indica outdoor and sativa?


Active Member
hello all.
my first post! been reading here for a while. seems like a good forum.
i live in a place where weed is highly illegal so i cannot grow. but sometimes i see plants in the woods when i go on nature walks. the photos are from a recent walk. from what i can see....they where planted in late april, soil around, looked like miracle grow potting. also seemed to have some mg bloom in it to. and smelled like molasses was being used.
i think they have around 4 or 5 weeks to go?
for those of you who like to read, (when money grew on trees) is a really good read. i just read it, and it was pretty good. you will have to order it from amazon or some other big book dealer. its about 2 guys from michigan that go to the arkansas ozarks to grow. and end up growing huge crops and profits.
and all that go's with it.



Well-Known Member
generally speaking people don;t like other people knowing about much less jacking their plants. if you are thinking of helping yourself beware of disgruntled growers with weapons.