Indie Kids.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how many of you are in your teens or early 20's, but there is this fucking indie trend going on and its caused me to punch so many people straight in the head just immediately... Basically, there is a group of college and highschool kids prancing around, listening to all this gay music (I like mostly indie, but I'll still take this time to dis them.), nothing BUT indie mind you. then OPENLY saying that they are in fact more open minded than everyone else. Who are mindless zombies. Its like an egotistical religion, and I see it growing and growing.. I have a feeling this world is going to be really fucked up here soon more due to other reasons. But these people are pissing me off today.

They are the same kind of 'pack' as hippies, just much much worse and annoying, and they DONT EVEN GIVE OUT FREE LSD >.< I'm going to a university finally next semester. And I swear I don't even know if I'm going to be able to make it. I'll just keep my mouth shut and try to not shoot anything up lol, I think I finally understand all the highschool shootings. I can only imagine how much worse it is in highschool when nobody really actually knows what they are talking about AT ALL, and the ones who do, don't express it.

College may be worse though too, because then they are so ate up with being 'high-class' and 'grown up'.

Rant over.:finger:
I believe the phenomena you are referring to is hipsterism.

They're easy to spot in their ironic 80's clothes and accessories, or looking like a homeless person even when they're stepping out of their moms mercedes.

They're often heard saying things like "You don't understand The Decemberists new album like I do" or "Have you heard that new airborne toxic event song? Soooooooo uninspired"

I love indie music, but I'm far from hipster.
I tend to just let people do their own thing and I do mine. Unless they interrupt my own thing, then I'll tell them off, but I won't try telling them their own thing is stupid, I just tell them to get the fuck out of my business and I'll stay out of there's.
Indie Blalock's playlists have kept me grooving for quite a long time...

but why worry about these other people so much man, are they physically hurting you?

You don't believe in letting people act as they want as long as they're not hurting anyone else?

I tend to just let people do their own thing and I do mine. Unless they interrupt my own thing, then I'll tell them off, but I won't try telling them their own thing is stupid, I just tell them to get the fuck out of my business and I'll stay out of there's.

Bingo was his name'o...
Ahh the notorious "hipsters"
Overly opened minded and ignorantly outspoken.

This has been going on forever, but they get more annoying a poorly dressed as the years go on.
Nah you gotta accept people man your doing way too much coke.

Okay I don`t like chavs who start shit all the time and call people names but these people aren`t evil to you or anything.

They are in there world and you are in yours :)
Put on the ironic trucker hat you paid $30 for, crack open a PBR, put on the cd you bought solely for the fact that it's never been played on the radio, then sit back and feel superior because you're not mainstream. What's wrong with that?

Oh, and own a fixie.
Ohhh but them talking and blabbering is annoying. I just wanna HIT them :( I don't care if they arent doing anything to me, they are wrong and need to be showed. LOL I honestly have gotten to drunk a couple nights and taken on a few of them about soemthing as stupid as explaining to them that. individualism, is in itself generic and non - individualistic.
Put on the ironic trucker hat you paid $30 for, crack open a PBR, put on the cd you bought solely for the fact that it's never been played on the radio, then sit back and feel superior because you're not mainstream. What's wrong with that?

Oh, and own a fixie.
Because its all they talk about. Non. fucking. Stop. and if its not blatantly about how intelligent they are, its to be inferred. They are all so self centered and need to be punched in the mouth. not all of them. I cant generalize them ALL. But there is a lot.
Ahh the notorious "hipsters"
This has been going on forever, but they get more annoying a poorly dressed as the years go on.

I don't know about that. I'm old enough to remember when grunge was the hotness du jour. The latest crop of hipsters seems like a step up.

A very long time ago, I made a promise to myself that I would never rip on anyone younger than me because of how they dressed or what music they listened to. This is in no small part due to the abuse Generation X suffered at the hands of aging Baby Boomers. Years later, I'd learn that our only real crime was inciting their jealousy by being younger than them.

Sure hipsters dress weird and listen to crap music. But then again, we all did when we were that age. So enjoy it while it lasts. The day will come when you open a photo album, look at a picture of your then future wife wearing a pair of skinny leg jeans and some nerdy box frame eyeglasses, whom you just met at a battle of the garage bands show, and reminicse.

If you end up remembering your youth with an embarrassed sense of nostalgia, congratulations. The game. You won it.
I don't know about that. I'm old enough to remember when grunge was the hotness du jour. The latest crop of hipsters seems like a step up.

A very long time ago, I made a promise to myself that I would never rip on anyone younger than me because of how they dressed or what music they listened to. This is in no small part due to the abuse Generation X suffered at the hands of aging Baby Boomers. Years later, I'd learn that our only real crime was inciting their jealousy by being younger than them.

Sure hipsters dress weird and listen to crap music. But then again, we all did when we were that age. So enjoy it while it lasts. The day will come when you open a photo album, look at a picture of your then future wife wearing a pair of skinny leg jeans and some nerdy box frame eyeglasses, whom you just met at a battle of the garage bands show, and reminicse.

If you end up remembering your youth with an embarrassed sense of nostalgia, congratulations. The game. You won it.
I understand and respect that, it's the one's that feel they need to put it in everyone's faces that gets us. That's great that you like purple hair and black nail polish, and you like to kiss guy but you're not gay, just don't be as obnoxious about it when you're sober as you are drunk. It's just contradictory IMO to be such a non conformist that you go for the things that everyone already assumes as being something these "hipster" kids drink, eat, or wear. Doesn't that just kind of feed the stereo type? If thats who you are, thats great, I'm not telling you not to be you. But do they have to do everything so loud? Just seems as if no one cares or respects much of anything anymore.
Its a phase, you have to put up with some people you don't like to make a sucsess later on.
The more you ignore them and focus on the job at hand, the more space you can put between yourself and people like that.
ugh, i dont really mind much about the music they listen to or the way they dress, i just wanna punch them when they open their mouth. my friends are kinda in that group, but not really, and they still talk normal, albeit with more intelligent discussion, but then there were the pretentious ones "vegan is the only way to be!!! meat is murder!!! the government is a big evil coporation!! abortion isnt murder!!! oh look at my bike how eco friendly!! yadda yadda" and the thing is, these arent original thoughts! and god forbid if you disagree with their far left leanings, they accuse you of being a republican bigot!!! and racist and sexist and blah blah blah. dude, come on. quit pretending to be smarter than you are, cause you cant keep up with me. the funny thing is, im a moderate who leans to the left, and im still too "republican" for them. seriously, im a democrat!! come on now you pretentious fucks
As long as they aren't the ones that need to pull up their pants I'm kewl with them LOL....those little sausage up their bum walking weiners with their pants falling down are just intolerable in my world.....So much so that I verbally engage said bumwalkers(my term) by telling them if they pulled up their pants and kept them up they wouldn't need to do the bumwalk anymore. Having watched 4 decades of fasions and trends I can honestly say that one is just unexplainable.