Indirect light in dry room.


Well-Known Member
Well my dry room is my barn. It has minor light leaks from bullets shot at it over the years and boards missing at the bottom. Will this hurt anything? I assume this is not the same as direct light degrading thc????


Well-Known Member
you want it dark so cover the holes with anything you can find. a blanket or cardboard from boxes.
Between the holes and light leaks between old loose boards, theres alot. I will start covering it with cardboard. They were only in there over night. I'm sure no damage done.


Scientia Cannabis
Direct sunlight is the real damage dealer.
But if the reflected light is strong enough or over a long period of time then it can degrade the cannabinoids.

Since it's only one night (and day I assume) then you'll be fine as long as you take care of it and still maintain proper RH and temp levels.