individual bud flushing?


Hi I have 2 la diva plants in my aerogarden they sprouted within a week of each other. Im using the 3 part liquid ultragrow nutes. One of the plants needs more time and one has a cola that looks almost ready( maybe a week or 2). The one with the riper cola needs more time on the canopy buds. Does anyone have a suggestion. I also had a thought...

Would I be able to cut off the ripe main cola with some branch and transplant it to a cup of water for a few days to week to flush it. Almost like what you do with a flower.

You guys are always very informative and helpfull.. sorry for being such a noob.. we all have to start somewhere lol


Well-Known Member
bbr642000: no apologies necessary. I thought that's why we're here to help each other. I've had the same problem and if you're only talking about a couple of weeks and if you're not in a big hurry I'd hold off, let the one mature and then flush and harvest them both at the same time. Or, you can separate them now, flush the one that's ready in your A/G and then harvest it. In the mean time you can put the other one that's lagging behind in a plastic gallon paint container from a home improvement store, just not a transparent container because the light isn't good for the roots. Stick in an air stone, mount a CFL reflector overhead and it can come along at its own pace. This has worked for me in the past. I hope it helps.


Active Member
yeah, best to just wait, dont cut anything off, let the bud get riper, and it will swell and get denser too, win win!