indoor air extraction


Well-Known Member
I dont run CO2, but I have read a little on the topic. If I understood it right, you will need a sealed room to get the most bang for your buck with CO2. If you're using a filter and then pumping the air out of your grow it would remove the CO2.

Maybe you could set a timer to scrub your room, exhaust, then turn the fan off so you could run the CO2? Kind of like a vent and purge, then reseal and refill type deal.


Well-Known Member
if i scrub and extract the air from grow room, can i still supply cO2 without it being effected?
You will be exhausting the Co2 also.

You will need to move to a sealed room construction type if you do not want major inefficiencies and waste of Co2.

Every second your exhaust fan is running it is extracting the air inside your grow room, this includes Co2.

Some people place their exhaust setups on timers along with their Co2 devices, allowing a little bit of time before the exhaust turns on when temperature is reached and everything is sucked out again.

Using Co2 in anything but a true sealed room is extremely inefficient and wasteful.


Dont extract the air just run the scrubber inside the room. If your running co2 you should be able to handle the heat.

Completely seal the room. Aircool the light.

I wish I could do co2 myself I tried for awhile but I was too paranoid to have a tank of compressed gas in my house rofl and IMO great air flow / extraction can be close to just as good as co2