Indoor CFL/LED mix. How can I fix these ladies?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

Been a while since I posted here. Growing some Somango XXL under CFL and LED lights. Watering every few days, with no nutes. Only using Ocean Forest soil. Is this a deficiency of nutes (potassium and nitrogen?) or something else, like light burn? Heat was not an issue during this grow. Temps got down to mid 60's though a few nights.



Well-Known Member
Went to a local hydroponic store and grabbed a pH meter before doing any nutes. Turns out city tap water is 7.7, thinking it's the cause of nute lockout...


Well-Known Member
You'll need to bring your pH down according to the grow style you're working with, but regardless...the 7.7 is way too high and not helping you. This is where I'd start.


Well-Known Member
Not sure how many days you are but OF has enough nutrients generally for about 3-4 weeks.

start with proper ph