Indoor closet grow w/ pics


Well-Known Member
So i got 3 ladies growing under a 250w HPS. They're all in 3 gallon containers.
The one inside the white container is a Snow White. I transplanted it about
4 days after the others, thats why it's a bit smaller.

the other two consist of one more snow white and one special kush.

I have noticed they love the water, I cant seem to water them enough. I tend to water every other day. So far, I have recently given them big bloom.
They are day 4 into flowering.

Light - 250 HPS enclosed system
Soil - FF
Seeds - (2) snow white feminized. (1) special kush feminized.
Nutes - FF grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom
PH - Give or take 5.8
Water - Distilled water
1 carbon filter (zen method)
1 cold air intake
Temps w/ lights = 82F- 87F
Temps w/o lights - 60F
Humidity w/ lights - 50-65%
Humidity w/o lights - 18-24%
Grow Area = 2ft Deep. 3.5ft wide. 6ft tall.
Veg time - 28 day.
Flowering time - 4 days and counting.

Difficulties encountered = its not nute burn, it happened before I had given them nutes, but the upper leaves are a bit burnt at the tips. I think it's beacuse of the temperatures, and that they began getting heat stress during late vegging.

I think the fact that I planted them in 1 gal containers and then transplanted them about 2 weeks into 3 galveg slowed their growth a bit
Next time I will plant in red solo cups, allowing me to transplant easier, and earlier.

Any advice for me guys?



Well-Known Member
They look pretty healthy I wouldn't worry to much about the little burn on the leaves. But nice plants, I think your right about it being heat stress that burned the tips, But some of the lower buds look as if they are not getting enough light, I am not sure if the 250 is going to cut it. I'd invest in more light.


Well-Known Member
adding cfls would be the only way i would add more light. for the space, i cannot maintain a 400 watt+

one quick correction, there arent any buds, i think u ment bud spots. they are only 5 days into flowering, but if needed down the road, I will address the lower areas

thanks for the feedback so far


Well-Known Member
14 days into flowering her are how the plants are doing.

The temperatures are now in the lower 80's with some minor adjustments to the air flow.

I went about a week with no nutes and just water.

i just game them some tiger bloom with the last watering.

the back right one in the white pot is my favorite, it seems to be budding the fastest.

lol i lost track of which is which for sure. but I think its the kush now cause it looks different from the other 2, and its shorter, even with the late transport, it just looks different.



What up Smoke,
It looks like its going good, we're about at the same point right now, I'm like 1 week ahead. What lights you using? I got 3 plants under a 4' 4 bulb t5 setup. Seeing how that works out before I go to an HPS. How many plants you got? You using the whole fox farm set up for nutes?

Happy Growin:leaf:


Op, sorry, I should have read the top of the thread for the info on the plants and lights. My bad bro


Well-Known Member
woops i had my days wrong before, the prior pics in the last post were 11 days in, now they are 14 days in today.

plants are doing well, im upset with myself that i didnt set up a scrog initially, but i will just have to do that next time.

plants are getting taller, and are starting to develop buds.

i can start seeing trichromes.

they smell great and the carbon filter has been really working.

I expect these things to get about 4 feet in height or more by the time theyre harvested.

If anyone doesnt have an electronic ph tester, get one, they are awesome:bigjoint:

here are some more pics, leave some comments guys



Well-Known Member
Lookin good man. I cant wait til mine looks like that. I got one 5 days old under a 70W hps, two 4' dual lite t12's running daylight bulbs(6500k) for veg then kitchen and bath (3000k) for flower mounted vertically on each side for supplemental light as it grows and two 24" t5's on the other side with 3500k bulbs for the whole time. She's (fingers crossed) 2 inches tall and just startin to open third set of leaves


Well-Known Member
Kinda seemed like overkill for one plant but I know the flouros aren't doin a whole lot for me (just using what I have), but hopefully I can get this one to grow thick, should I top her and when?