Indoor drip irrigation


Active Member
Looking for a diy method for slow, steady drip irrigation for 15 gal containers, organic soil, indoors without an electric pump. Any ideas are welcome!
Blumats is what I would recommend.

For a drip system you can start with a reservoir, some tubing for the main line and smaller for the feeder lines, emitters, and a no pressure irrigation timer. You can get more complicated but there isn't really any need to. There are also pressure reducing valves that will allow you to connect to a water source like a faucet. If you use a reservoir you'll still want to use a small pump to keep it circulated.
I second Blumats and I love mine.

If you contact Sustainable Village with your garden layout and container size they will put together a simple package for you with all parts needed. It's all based off of slight gravity and soil moisture levels.
I'm just looking into blumats myself. Just been trying to figure out where I can put a reservoir. I've heard it needs to be at least 3 feet above the carrots so I'm trying to find something 4 feet tall to put next to my tent. I'm so used to pumping water up, letting it flow down is a whole new monster.
Hey I just ordered the blumat irrigation kit
Can someone explain to me how I feed with it?
I feed, feed, water
Synthetic nutrients for now.
So would I just mix up my 5 gallons like normal in their 1 gal containers
Add the nutes then just dump it inside my resevoir?( 5 gal bucket I guess hung on the wall)

What will this do to my feed cycle?
I normally for instance feed Monday, Wednesday, water Friday feed Monday

Will my schedule change?
Do I just add nutes and walk away? Having trouble finding the info I'm looking for lol
Blumats is what I would recommend.

For a drip system you can start with a reservoir, some tubing for the main line and smaller for the feeder lines, emitters, and a no pressure irrigation timer. You can get more complicated but there isn't really any need to. There are also pressure reducing valves that will allow you to connect to a water source like a faucet. If you use a reservoir you'll still want to use a small pump to keep it circulated.
This guy knows what he is talking about.

I got into the BluMats and love the ‘set it and forget it’.

Although yesterday I had to deal with a ‘leak by’ and had a little bit of a cleanup.

Finishing up week 5. Yes!!

I like blue mats but in my opinion for what your doing and the cost of a pressurized bluemat system, I would go with basket drippers on hydro farm hose with 2-4 gph emitters.

I have a bluemat setup that was about a g. When I setup a new spot, I went with the old school baskets into my 7 gal pots full of tuper. Super easy and super cheap. I did a pretty number of plant site for less then $200.

My nutes run though the system fine and while I have plans to build out the room with pvc and in-line pumps, the system has done great through a few slamming rounds.
Blumats are awesome. Just setup a reservoir. Size it to the size of your grow. Fill it up. Run a main line to your plants and then the lines to the blumats from that. Walk away. Watering is just making sure there is nutrient solution in the reservoir. They also work best with certain grow media. I think they work best with 100% coco. Others might disagree.