Indoor Garden

Hey everyone. I came across this site looking for a good journal site and get help if I need it. I've never built a hydro setup and I can't grow anything out side due to the bares and such out here. So I decided to buy this Aero Garden and give it a shot. I got it not to long ago and I decided to have it set up by my computer and well it deff makes it look nicer.

I don't have the lights on a timer since there isn't one but that's ok , I turn it on when I wake up and turn it off when I go to sleep. I know that the light doesn't have to be on when there's no seeds that have sprouted but that's ok.

I got the hearb kit and the hearbs it comes with are
Basil, Dill, Mint, Thyme, Chives and Oregano

Here is a pic of my Aero Garden
Pretty cool looking kit, you know you could have built one for alot cheaper than what you got that one for maybe a bubbleponics hydro system. That's what alot of people here run, because they are cheap to build and they get very good results. Anyway welcome to RIU :)
Pretty cool looking kit, you know you could have built one for alot cheaper than what you got that one for maybe a bubbleponics hydro system. That's what alot of people here run, because they are cheap to build and they get very good results. Anyway welcome to RIU :)
Hey thanks. Yea I know I could build 1 for less but this was easer for me since its all there and I didn't have to run around to get parts and it came with the baskets already so. I did the math and the system alone was maybe $80. Once I get use to it I'll build my own but as for now this was the easy way to go and its small so nice for me since I don't have the space for a complet setup.
Are you gonna grow the starter seeds it came with?
Yes I am and I've already have it up and running. I didn't buy any of the other seed kits cuz I didn't want the headache of having to get every thing together like plant seeds and such. Kinda wish I got the Globe version of basil but oh well
Hey all. Came on to give you guys and gals an update. It looks like 4 of the 5 hearbs have germanated but the mint might have to we'll have to say cuz it says it will take 6 to 10 days to sprout
Jan 23rd 2010

Well I just woke up today and it looks like the Basil and Thyme have sprouted but yet there is no sign of life of the mint but we'll have to see what happens.
Do these plants not grow at different rates in regards to height? I would guess it must not be an issue if these are the seeds it came with but it would seem one plant may grow taller then the others making you raise the light which would of course mean the short plant would be getting far less light. Eitherway looks very nice. I know you can make these rather easily but this almost makes me want to go buy one to put on display in the kitchen area.
its not big because its ment to grow herbs, meaning you cut them down when they get to tall, so hight wont really be a problem
That's not what I mean, I know those herbs won't be an issue in height and when this is used for MJ lighting is modified to go higher. What I mean is the herbs will grow at different rates, and though all short if one is faster then the other then you'd have to LST or top it which would create a wider plant making even more issues. Of course you could just raise the light to the highest plant and the other would mostly stretch to catch up but really who wants a stretched plant.