Indoor grow - fabric pots or regular pots....what size?


New Member
Hi all..on our second grow now and want to see if we can improve on our yield. Made a few mistakes first time around but came through it okay anyways but would like to avoid some issues if possible.

Have some babies about 4 to 5 weeks old and about 8 inches tall in red solo cups, what is the best type of pot and best size to transplant to for remainder of grow? We went to 5 gal vinyl grow bags last time...some grew better than others, but as I said we made some mistakes last time and we have no idea what strains we grew. Guess I need to know if size really matters - for plants and only for plants, lol. Hubby was considering dropping from 5 gal to 2 gal pots but not sure if that's sufficient, and he was looking to use fabric pots but I read those are best for outdoor grows and not beneficial to indoor grows.

Any info would be appreciated.
the fabric pots would be better both indoor and out. also the bigger the root system the more buds so i would go with the bigger pots.


Well-Known Member
Depends on a lot of things but as far as pot size, it depends mostly on how large you intend to grow them under what type of lighting.

Personally I use 5g plastic pots with a nice lip to grip around the top, and drill holes in the lips to tie branches down to.


Well-Known Member
I use plastic pots called root makers, I think that's what they are called ill take a pic once I go back to the garden.