Indoor growing - sick plant?


Hello all. I'm after a bit of advice if any of you would be so good as to help. Here's the situ:

Two four-week old plants, both from seeds found in the bottom of the bag, both grown in all-purpose compost using tomato-food every other feed. I have no idea of the ph of the soil and I realise these conditions aren't ideal, but here's the shindig:

Plant 1 - (the healthy looking one) grown on a windowsill that gets good sun. So 12/12 I guess. Currently 4" tall.

Plant 2 - (the sick looking one) grown in a closet under a 100W CFL, temp about 26 degrees. 24/0 light. Currently 6" tall. Was keeping it 2" from the light but now moved to around 4" from it, as suspected heat damage.

My questions are thus: any ideas why Plant 2 leaves are so much thinner, look dry and are curling up at the edges? All other elements (watering frequency, food etc. have been kept the same between the two).

Secondly, any general comments and tips on how to get the most from these plants in their current conditions?

Many thanks in advance for your help.

