For most people with a personal grow, electricity cost isn't much of a concern. Most places, electricity is cheap. Even if you're running a 1K HPS, the cost isn't all that much. Also, the author talks about typical 24/0 and 18-6 patterns "stressing" plants. This couldn't be farther from the truth. Marijuana is a C3 plant and needs no rest period. In fact, over 90 percent of the worlds plants are C3 as well. The only thing a light pattern less than 24/0 in veg will give you is plants with long internode length. Who wants that just to save a couple bucks? Not me. Besides, any money you save by turning of the lights in veg, you actually end up using anyway because you'll have to veg longer. That means by using a pattern other than 24/0 in veg, you spend the same but have to veg even longer and get lanky plants.
The author also says that 24/0 and 18/6 patterns are unnatural. Who cares? Just because a plant doesn't get that much sun in nature doesn't mean it can't use it and benefit from it. When growing inside, the name of the game is MOAR WEED FASTER PLZ. 24/0 in veg does just that.