inexperienced grower, 2nd try under CFLs


hey every one. this is my second grow, im starting this journal a little late as my girls just hit the 3 week mark, but hey better late than never right? im growing under cfls and in a grow box made of cardboard, and i know most people dont suggest it, but i didn't have a whole lot of other options. my first grow went ok, those plants are in their latter flowering stages now, but i messed up when i had them in their early vegging stages so that had lasting effects. I have 3 girls in veg, and another 4 in flowering. i keep them all in the same box, i give the girls in veg 24 hr light and when ever it is time for the older ones to go into their dark period, i just stick them in my closet at 8pm and pull them out at 8am and put them right back into the box, so that works out okay. i've been giving my girls fox farm grow big nutes since probably about a week after popping out of the soil. one of them is starting to show signs of nute burn, so i have taken that one off of nutes for now until it looks healthy again. as for the other 2, i started to cut back on the amount of nutes i use with them so they dont get nute burn either.

if any one has questions or feedback feel free to chime in

