information needed

Hey There

before i go into this post in any detail i want you to know that this was only for experimental purposes and was not taken seriously till now lol:weed: this is my 4th grow and i am starting to get quite confident wen it comes to tending to my babies not to say I'm an expert or anything just i know enough to get buy just now. This is going to be my last grow for a while Anyway ill get down to it

i had 30 seeds id been collecting for the past year or so never kept any seeds that where : white, green, deformed or weak

I also have 30 seeds from a known seed bank that i purchased online 8 of which where feminized superhaze seeds to tell you the truth there wasnt much if any difference between the two sets of 30 seeds anyway

the seeds i was collecting didn't cost me anything i wasn't to keen on putting alot of effort in to them as i hadn't bought them i don't know the genetics its a big gamble and alot of work.So i decided one night i was going to germinate all the seed i had been collecting and plant them in the same pot so i did i only germinated for 2 days and got most of them to pop. I find if u can get the heat rite when germinating its easy most will pop in 2-4 days. i then planted them in bio bizz all mix soil i took the ones with the biggest root growth and placed them in a hole it the center of my pot and then proceeded to plant the rest sprouts down in holes i had already prepared round the center hole say i planted 19 seed correctly in a circular pattern in the center of my pot. sprinkled a very light layer of soil over the top then all the seeds i had left i sprinkled over the pot straight off the the paper towel trying to Keep as close to the middle as possible then sprinkled another light layer of soil over the top again gave a good mist with pH balanced water and sat under my light on a 18/6 cycle i knew that they would grow but i didn't think they'd grow this good lol as it started to get bigger keeping in mind it had only been growing for 9 days i decided to repott it as the pot i was using was small anyway normally id wait to the 4th node appears before re potting but it out grew its home quicker than expected i put it in to a bigger pot on day 9 added some goods seeds i had germinated that where going to waste lolgave a good watering and sat it back under its normal cycle it was fine wen i left it i turned my lights off before bed and wen i woke up the next morning it looked as if it had started to grow out the way as opposed to it standing tall in the smaller pot but still looked very healthy and all the top nodes where facing upward towards the lights i probly should have left it under 24 hours of light before turning it off but u learn from ur mistakes so i inserted 3 thin wooden barbecue sqewers in a triangle round it very gently and made a fence with a little peace of string making sure i wasn't chocking the plant and it had enough room to grow just for a bit of support i then left it with a fan blowing not directly on it just enough for leaf movement till yesterday then i removed the string and one of the barbecue skewers and she is standing tall and growing upward again this is the first time i have dun this and I'm not quite sure how to go about tending to it as i was just experimenting and didn't expect it to turn out as good as it has there are round about 27 to 30 seedlings broke through the soil and gowing nicely is there anything i should or could be doing to help these plants grow healthy and stress free. i have also taken into account that there is a high probabilty that some of them will be male. and could do with some info on the proper way spot & remove them .
Note: altogether the plant is looking very healthy and I'm hoping i will be able to keep it but im not sure

pics will be added today at some point depending on feedbak

any information u could give me on the matter would Greatly appreciated



New Member
keep posting pics etc and we will go with the flow with ya Im sure :-) If you mess with the lighting yes you are likely to cause a hermie. You wont often tell what sex until they are into flowering, depending on how long you veg for.Average is about a month due to most peoples height restrictions.
just a quick update on this matter the plant or (plants) in question (iv been calling her maryjane lol) she is currently 5 weeks into flowering and theres not a sign of any males or hermies you can omgin that im gringing from ear to ear as i write this . lol but the plant is looking very very healty im even considering wether to put up a couple of pics because i just cant belive how well this has turnd out lol its went that well iv started another one. altogether i lost a couple of younger plants mibe 4 or 5 that wernt reciving light and petterd out about week 5 theres easily over 20 healthy females growing just fine i cant belive how well its turnd out as i feel i put the plant under all diffrent kinds of conditions light and stress keeping in mind that thesewhere all mystery i am very happy with this experiment


New Member
maryjane? how long it take you to think of that? original at least lol

Seriously tho, great news. stay vigilante, there really is no worse thing than buds full of seeds. The weed is a weed and with strong genetics can take all sorts of abuse.

Get some pics up man ;-)