Infrared Detection


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind that they could use FLIR to locate a grow op and then setup visual surveillance though. Bit of a loophole in my opinion. You do have rights as a property owner though, they have to see something obvious before they can get a warrant.


Active Member
Use will insulate the heat better and will make ur grow area invisible to IR detection. But honestly, police dont like to release too many statistics, but grow ops busted by IR detection make up prolly the smallest portion...usually when some dumbass tries to fill a 1000 sq foot house with 500 plants and run bout 20 1000w'ers, in which case u probably deserve to get caught lol but anyways yeah, smell, power consumption, and nosy neighbors will be ur biggest enemy. good luck w/ur grow!


Active Member
it is used alot in the UK, well its actualy a thermal imageing camera, which detects heat as a bright white, and cooler ares as a grey colour, insulation is key, best to have a grow on the ground floor or basement, if its attic, or top floor, detection is easier, but yea, only really large scale is an issue, and there does need to be anothe varible, police can'rt just assume. Thats all my knowledge on that.


Well-Known Member
Use will insulate the heat better and will make ur grow area invisible to IR detection. But honestly, police dont like to release too many statistics, but grow ops busted by IR detection make up prolly the smallest portion...usually when some dumbass tries to fill a 1000 sq foot house with 500 plants and run bout 20 1000w'ers, in which case u probably deserve to get caught lol but anyways yeah, smell, power consumption, and nosy neighbors will be ur biggest enemy. good luck w/ur grow!
This information is misleading, first the mylar doesn't hide the heat, in fact it somewhat insulates it, just watch a police video when they use infrared for detecting people, the temperature difference on your roof will be obvious, even with mylar, unless you are in a basement,1st story of multi story building, or using a small cfl set-up.
It's considered illegal search & seizure to use infrared on a suspect, unless the police have PROBABLE CAUSE.
The most commonly searched item without a warrant is your GARBAGE, they don't need a warrant.
So never throw away anything incriminating, and if you are paranoid don't grow at night.


Active Member
This information is misleading, first the mylar doesn't hide the heat, in fact it somewhat insulates it, just watch a police video when they use infrared for detecting people, the temperature difference on your roof will be obvious, even with mylar, unless you are in a basement,1st story of multi story building, or using a small cfl set-up.
yes...mylar insulates the heat...hence, why it hides it from IR detection...mythbusters did an episode on this theory, and proved that mylar in fact DOES hide IR signatures...terrorists/insurgents also use this method...

and if you are paranoid don't grow at night
um, what do u mean exactly? im assuming you mean dont have your lights on at long as you have a light trap, and not close to the roof or exterior wall, then it really wont make a difference...


Well-Known Member
Yah i have very active skys were i live. I see about like three to four helis and little prop planes flying around my town and my nieghborhood but its just rich people traveling.I see no black bubbles on the bottoms of anything. So hopefully they are just traveling. but if i upgrade to a 400 hps will it be alot easier to detect it instead of a small CFL setup-up?


Well-Known Member
Use will insulate the heat better and will make ur grow area invisible to IR detection. But honestly, police dont like to release too many statistics, but grow ops busted by IR detection make up prolly the smallest portion...usually when some dumbass tries to fill a 1000 sq foot house with 500 plants and run bout 20 1000w'ers, in which case u probably deserve to get caught lol but anyways yeah, smell, power consumption, and nosy neighbors will be ur biggest enemy. good luck w/ur grow!
why would you say anybody deserves to get caught? thats a fucked up thing to say on this site. nobody deserves to be busted for 1 plant or 20000 plants. people getting busted is the wrong way that we r trying to go. we r trying to reform. mybe you r a cop. thats the type of things that cops say. you know outdoor growers were i live are growing 100's of thousands of plants do all the growers in humboldt county or mendicino county california deserve to get cought? most of the US outdoor weed comes from were i live. you are talking about whole countys getting busted.


Active Member
ok first, no, im not a cop, and secondly what im gettin at is if you go into this, KNOWING its illegal and knowing the consequences, and yet make NO attempt to research how to hide it or do it in an inconspicuous matter at all, then yea ur gunna get yeah, IF YOU MAKE THE CRIME YOUR COMMITTING OBVIOUS, then thats exactly what you get....its a victimless crime, i kno, and a stupid one that i dont agree with, but jesus who really needs to grow more than 20 6 foot plants...


Active Member
and there ARE a few people who deserve to get caught, i.e. people who use this as their ONLY means of income because theyre TOO LAZY to work...people who go around and show everybody and their brother their grow up, cuz theyre too cocky and think theyll look all cool showin people...people who use 500% more electricity than the other 50 houses around them and think itll go by unnoticed....these are the kind of people that gave pot a bad name and made it illegal in the first place! if your committing crime, a FELONY at that, you should be willing to accept the consequences for such actions...and considerin how bad they might be, you would think you would want to go EXTRA lengths to NOT get caught...just sayin...

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
1000 sq foot house with 500 plants- yeah that really seems like a lazy person to me dumfuk. clearly sumone willin to gamble to score big. go take care of that many plants and see if ur little muffins arent sore. just sayin.


Active Member

ok...for the sake of a dumb argument, let me re-phrase...

there might not be anyone deserves to get busted, but if you do as i mentioned, then your basically ASKING for it...its regular cowboy-itis at its greatest, get too greedy and thats how u get busted, plain and simple...

im not sayin takin care of that many plants isnt hard work, but its not a LEGIT JOB. If your not workin, and your tryin to be some fool wantin to make 100k a year by just growing weed so you can get a $65000 escalade to pull into ur 2 bedroom apartment, then obviously your priorities (one being NOT GETTING BUSTED) arent in that making ANY more sense?

and yes, i HAVE been to jail, not for growing, but other things, i know its not a picnic, but again, if your growin, then you know that thats whats going to happen IF you DO get caught, so you should be willing to accept the consequences and have nobody bo blame but yourself if you go about in such a blind and egotistical matter...


Well-Known Member
and there ARE a few people who deserve to get caught, i.e. people who use this as their ONLY means of income because theyre TOO LAZY to work...people who go around and show everybody and their brother their grow up, cuz theyre too cocky and think theyll look all cool showin people...people who use 500% more electricity than the other 50 houses around them and think itll go by unnoticed....these are the kind of people that gave pot a bad name and made it illegal in the first place! if your committing crime, a FELONY at that, you should be willing to accept the consequences for such actions...and considerin how bad they might be, you would think you would want to go EXTRA lengths to NOT get caught...just sayin...
"too lazy to work" do you know how much work it is to maintain 500 or 1,000 plants? its alot of fucken work. and pot is not illegal because people grow to much. I dont know were you got that stupid fucken wrong fact. Were I live your talking about the past 40 years its been the sole income of the economy in my county. 3 - 4 generations growing. and not growing 20 little 6 foot plants. try 1,000 12 footers per patch. my point is nobody deserves to get busted over 1 plant or 1,000 plants. it should be upto the grower. who gives a fuck if sombody is using more electricity then 50 houses at 1 house. If they pay the bill its more money for the economy. were i live my electric company actully charges indoor growers a extra tax which helps the economy. I dont know were u live and i dont care but get your facts straight.


Active Member
jesus christ....this was not the point of the thread to start with...the point i was tryin to get across was, if your gunna grow, take sum extra precaution to ensure you dont get busted...THATS IT...

and it was all a HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION, not meant to be taken literally! and yes, in the county im in, or state, if your growin ANY amount of damn weed, its illegal as shit and they throw you the fuckin book for it! i am aware of how much work growin is, no matter the size, even small gardens need alot of care, i was referring to people who would rather do nuttin but sell drugs than at least TRY to live a SOMEWHAT LEGIT life accordint TO FEDERAL LAW! is that ANY clearer to you? yes, cali is the great state where the weed flows like water, but i dont fuckin live there and neither does anybody else that doesnt! so quit takin everything so damn personal for gods sakes...


Well-Known Member

ok...for the sake of a dumb argument, let me re-phrase...

there might not be anyone deserves to get busted, but if you do as i mentioned, then your basically ASKING for it...its regular cowboy-itis at its greatest, get too greedy and thats how u get busted, plain and simple...

im not sayin takin care of that many plants isnt hard work, but its not a LEGIT JOB. If your not workin, and your tryin to be some fool wantin to make 100k a year by just growing weed so you can get a $65000 escalade to pull into ur 2 bedroom apartment, then obviously your priorities (one being NOT GETTING BUSTED) arent in that making ANY more sense?

and yes, i HAVE been to jail, not for growing, but other things, i know its not a picnic, but again, if your growin, then you know that thats whats going to happen IF you DO get caught, so you should be willing to accept the consequences and have nobody bo blame but yourself if you go about in such a blind and egotistical matter...
and you are also wrong that it can not be a legit job because it is a legit job for alot of people. how do you think dispensarys get there meds. ummmmmmmmmmm. I am pretty sure from legal growers that pay taxes. Dude you need alot of educating on the industry. There are thousands of people that do it legaly. IE. co op growers. in 14 states there legal growers for profit. Please do research. You should start a thread called "EDUCATE ME ON THE LEGITIMATE POT INDUSTRY" i will leave you alone now.