infrastructure vote surprise...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
the progressives were going to scuttle the infrastructure bill. they were going to let the whole country twist in the wind and waste more time that NEEDS to be used to consolidate the democrats position, and start producing some results for people to look at. it would greatly help Biden's approval rating, which would in turn directly improve the Democrats position against the republicans, but the progressives were going to scuttle the whole thing, and let the stagnation that is strangling the entire party continue...
fuck the 6 progressives who voted against the bill...right in the ass
and a surprised nod of respect to the 13 republicans who broke from their insane party and voted for sanity...i did not expect that, and am quite pleased, especially in light of the traitorous progressives behavior.
"I can't believe Republicans just gave the Democrats their socialism bill," Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., tweeted. ......i can't believe this criminal pedophile is still free to tweet anything...

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., tweeted that the Republicans who voted with Democrats "handed over their voting cards" to Pelosi to pass Biden's "Communist takeover of America via so-called infrastructure."

Adam Kinzinger had this reply...
"Infrastructure = communism is a new one. Eisenhower’s interstate system should be torn up or else the commies will be able to conveniently drive! Red Dawn in real life," Kinzinger tweeted.

i'm hoping that this act of rationality and bravery will inspire other republicans who are fucking disgusted with the behavior of their party to stand up and do the right thing, too.
the progressives were going to scuttle the infrastructure bill. they were going to let the whole country twist in the wind and waste more time that NEEDS to be used to consolidate the democrats position, and start producing some results for people to look at. it would greatly help Biden's approval rating, which would in turn directly improve the Democrats position against the republicans, but the progressives were going to scuttle the whole thing, and let the stagnation that is strangling the entire party continue...
fuck the 6 progressives who voted against the bill...right in the ass
and a surprised nod of respect to the 13 republicans who broke from their insane party and voted for sanity...i did not expect that, and am quite pleased, especially in light of the traitorous progressives behavior.
"I can't believe Republicans just gave the Democrats their socialism bill," Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., tweeted. ......i can't believe this criminal pedophile is still free to tweet anything...

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., tweeted that the Republicans who voted with Democrats "handed over their voting cards" to Pelosi to pass Biden's "Communist takeover of America via so-called infrastructure."

Adam Kinzinger had this reply...
"Infrastructure = communism is a new one. Eisenhower’s interstate system should be torn up or else the commies will be able to conveniently drive! Red Dawn in real life," Kinzinger tweeted.

i'm hoping that this act of rationality and bravery will inspire other republicans who are fucking disgusted with the behavior of their party to stand up and do the right thing, too.
the heartbeat of democracy can still be heard. They are trying to silence it and when they can't they shout over it.

They hate that bill because they know it will do much good. The Republicans who voted for that bill did so because their constituents demanded it. It will be interesting to see if they beat the Trump die hards who will run well funded campaigns in order to primary them.

I don't really agree with Hannimal that RINO means right wing trumper-insurrectionist radicals. RINO is their term to define and it means people who represent the Republican Party as it once was, or at least tried to make itself out to be, not the hard line fascist party that it became over the years. RINO will go down as a good thing some day.
the heartbeat of democracy can still be heard. They are trying to silence it and when they can't they shout over it.

They hate that bill because they know it will do much good. The Republicans who voted for that bill did so because their constituents demanded it. It will be interesting to see if they beat the Trump die hards who will run well funded campaigns in order to primary them.

I don't really agree with Hannimal that RINO means right wing trumper-insurrectionist radicals. RINO is their term to define and it means people who represent the Republican Party as it once was, or at least tried to make itself out to be, not the hard line fascist party that it became over the years. RINO will go down as a good thing some day.

I thought RINO meant Republican In Name Only meaning they call themselves repubs but don't act like a real repub as in being RetRumplicans.

Or like these guys voted with the Dems because it was good for their people like they all should.

ChYna is happy! They will gladly loan us money to mortgage your grandchildren's future before foreclosure like they do around the rest of the world. Assuming they don't collapse first.
I sure am glad I don't carry the burden of pretending Bidan is good for this country. He and his ilk are is being used to expose the Lib ideas and their consequences.

You already see 10% for the Big Guy showing up with inflation. Wait until gas gets to be +$4 a gallon.
tRUmps cult are a sick bunch, have you noticed all the homo-erotic art work, these sick puppies love images of Stinky looking like he's built like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his body building prime. I think it points to a vast number of them being closeted, Stinky is a doughy morbidly obese slob that has never done a day of physical labor in his life and probably never picked up anything heavier than a large diet coke.
Republicans tank the economy and the Dems save it. Welcome to America.


Trump was president before this one. Bush before the “Great Recession”. Just before the Great Depression there were 3 Republican presidents in a row. And 5 of the previous 6 were Republican.
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Republicans tank the economy and the Dems save it. Welcome to America.

Do you have a link. I always seem to do better during or immediately after a republican administration. Dems are always looking for excuses for why their policies don't work. It's why after 60 years of civil rights legislation, racism is still their rallying cry. All the while the Dems are trying to split the country into various fighting factions. It will destroy them from within.

Trump could have gas down below $2 a gallon again in 6 months, In fact I believe the gas prices are being driven up to highlight the stupid Dem energy policies.

Energy=Life, more energy use=higher quality of life