Ink bird not connecting to spectrum Wi-Fi router.


Well-Known Member
My router switches from 2.4 ghz to 5 automatically and I cannot get my ink bird controller to link up. I have reset everything multiple times and have tried all the troubleshooting guides but with no luck. Do I simply need a different router or is there something I am missing. @Inkbird
I just got mine yesterday and set it up.
First I tried with my old android table, wouldn't connect. When searching for a pairing it auto went to search 5g.
So I unplugged it and tried to connect with my newer Samsung fe21 that gives me 2 options. To log into the 2.4 GHz or the chose the 2.4 and its working amazingly.
Good luck.
Waiting for the humidity one coming tomorrow
I haven’t tried again in awhile. I was messing with it a few weeks ago and just thought of it again now bc I just got some girls in my tent thanks to a buddy. Also my router and modem took a shit so just got some new ones yesterday. I will be messing with it in a bit.
Maybe it’ll be able to detect the 2.4 signal from this router.