Inline Dehumidifier?


So I have a sentinel controller for humidity/cooling/heat/co2

I have an intake fan plugged into the 'cool' setting and it is interlocked with the humidity control is hooked up to my carbon filter to maximize the efficiency of the air exchange.

My issue is the air being brought in is SUPER humid (in addition my floor holds a lot of humidity that cant be fixed until next crop). I currently have the cooling fan unplugged (gets a little warmer then id like but not detrimental) and the humidity is still higher then i'd like.

My question is...does anyone know if there is someway to set up my cooling fan to blow into a dehumidifier or a dehumidifier i could add into the line so the humid air taken care of before it even enters.

If there isn't an inline version, does anyone know how powerful of a dehumidifier id need to aim my 440cfm fan into the dehumidifier to have the same effect as an inline?

Obviously i dont want to have my blower be overpowered blowing into the dehumidifier (directly if possible) but if it comes down to it...i'm thinking about just aiming the blower towards the intake on the dehumidifier to achieve the best results.



Well-Known Member
Does running a constant drain Dehimidifier not work at keeping your RH down?

I have to run a dehumidifier in my grow room (4 plants single light) during flower and I've attached a hose to the constant drain attachment facility on mine to bypass the small ass water tank on it and I drain it into a 10L container which I empty every 2/3 days.

I run my dehumidifier directly in my room.



Sorry I didn't clarify.

I am currently running a constant drain (30ish pint) dehumidifier in room nearest outtakes (which is probably first mistake).

As i think about it my floor is biggest culprit. It is only part of room NOT gorilla'd and not sealed. I hesitated to put plastic down on floow for creating TOO sealed of an evironment but am now think that all humidity on floor is rising into room...problem now recognized.....will seal off floor and post updated soon


Well-Known Member
I use a 20L a day extraction Dehimidifier in my 4 plant grow.

It removes around 2L per day during flowering set at 45%.
