Insane nutrient blend for a 3 week seedling? Dumb move?


Limited resources and my novice brain produced a potentially life-changing concoction:

Mix the following ingredients:

[ Miracle Gro Pour and Feed
Tomato Feed
Coffee Grounds
and Human Urine ]™

Apply to 3 week old seedlings, cross fingers and hope for the best.

Seedling suicide or an ingenious new nutrient blend which should be patented right away?

(My seedlings looking very small compared to vids and pics I've seen at 3 week stage. Pretty sure i need to add some kind of nutes now..)


Well-Known Member
If its organic dirt you dont need anything. Odds are you burn the shit outta it. Id skip out on the coffee grounds and piss too. They need to be composted first.


Active Member
uhhhhh... less is more man. Also every time my dog pees in the yard it leaves a yellow spot so..... low strength, ease into it. I'm not a fan of the miracle grow route, but I've never tried it, I've only read bad things about it, so I really have no idea on that.


Well-Known Member
Limited resources and my novice brain produced a potentially life-changing concoction:

Mix the following ingredients:

[ Miracle Gro Pour and Feed
Tomato Feed
Coffee Grounds
and Human Urine ]™

Apply to 3 week old seedlings, cross fingers and hope for the best.

Seedling suicide or an ingenious new nutrient blend which should be patented right away?

(My seedlings looking very small compared to vids and pics I've seen at 3 week stage. Pretty sure i need to add some kind of nutes now..)
No dingus, every newb has thought, ah ha, let's give it more.

It will fry the poor thing. See the round first set of leaves? Those are cotyledons. They feed the seedling until they shrivel off. You probably will burn them off with that feeding.

You know why they look small? Light. More light equals faster growth. What you got on them a cfl or two?

What kind if soil?


Well-Known Member
Honestly if my plant looks scragley and sick at 3 weeks I just trash it due to the fact that I Dont wana fuck around with all the problems it'll have later on in life! But if youre desperate enough I'm sure you can pull something off!

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
can you transplant the poor thing, get it out of that mix, and into some quality dirt,, Organic dirt


Well-Known Member
Honestly if my plant looks scragley and sick at 3 weeks I just trash it due to the fact that I Dont wana fuck around with all the problems it'll have later on in life! But if youre desperate enough I'm sure you can pull something off!
Haha fuck that, not for the price of seeds today.


Well-Known Member
Life changing concoction? Maybe the plant will evolve legs and run for it's life. Probably not though so rip little plant. Don't feel bad though I needed to kill my first plants to understand too.