Insatiable demand for cannabis has created a giant carbon footprint

I suggest an in-depth dive into the state of things at Fukushima: the three missing reactor cores, for example - which ate through the containment vessels and disappeared through the floor, and the fact that they haven’t been able to do ANYTHING to clean up, or even scope things out, as the *radiation* fries the robots they send in. Spent fuel rod pools can’t be emptied or repaired because the *radiation* prevents people from getting close enough to do anything useful. The area’s ground water is contaminated, and they can’t treat it, so they bag it up, store it for a while, then dump it into the ocean. Your fairy tale is a deadly dangerous one.
Makes me think too about the mess with that giant taxi above ground pool in Florida that sprung a leak.
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I wanted to see a roadside view of this monster pool. Screen Shot 2021-05-24 at 3.29.41 PM.png

If anything has ever been learned from science (shit, now I see the political problem here), it is that water will find a way.