Inside to outside

Lucky 1

Now I am very seriously hoping I didn't screw up.
This is the first time I tried this but here it goes.

I started the plants indoors as usual. But I waited to sex them first before what I considered, "a waste of time planting males". So I only put out what started to show me female traits. Very small buds with hairs were forming.
Will these go back into re-veg alright?
I don't go back and check on them so I hope they will be fine. My gut tells me yes.
That's how I did it in the 80's


Well-Known Member
yup that'll work.. will take a few weeks to revert back to veg state.

You could also take clones, and put them into flower to see what sex they are while keeping the plants vegging.... but, in regards to your question.. you're good.

Lucky 1

Well I just checked them after 5 weeks and I am far from impressed. I have a partner, which I start them and after memorial day we put them on his land and then he takes care of them.
This just ain't workin for me. First: I have 19 plants out there. Half of them did not revert back to veg stage. They grew about a foot and have one 6" cola top and that's it. Prob a few weeks from picking.
The other half are vegging again but looks like my partner mixed up and planted them in cement and not soil. Not sure what that stuff was but, I am certainly going to have to ask him.
They aren't growing for crap. Real stretchy.
So here is the question. Can I hit these guys that are budding with veg nutes ? Would this cause it to re veg better ?