Insulating Grow room Help required AM I PARANOID?


Hi just wanted to post as i am swaying between ideas and the one that i think is the best is this, just want a few opinions on what you would do to insulate your grow room.

Grow Room size. 4m x 3m x2.4m

1.insulate stud walls with Loft insulation rolls 150mm thick
2.Insulate ceiling with Loft insulation rolls 150mm thick
3.Cover loft insulation with Bubble wrap
4.Cover bubble wrap with tin foil
5.Cover tin foil with 2mm plywood
6.Apply mylar to plywood to be the grow room wall..

People may think i am paranoid but i am want to be safe rather than sorry...

My walls are not touching any other walls (basically a free standing room)
I do not want a heat signature from the helicopter.

Would this be suitable?



i was going to extract through the floor so the heat would cool quickly as it would go into a very large open space and the outside grow room temps over the next 3 months are going to be about 10 degrees c

that was my next question

What you think?


Active Member
If heat detection is your biggest concern what will you do for the roof with no snow? Could paint it white if it isn't already. And what is the foil for? I think you are worried a little too much. There are plenty of heated stand alone workshops. If the walls are finished get some sheets of Styrofoam, staple them up then roll out insulation and staple that up. Or just do a single layer all around and buy a big ass grow tent to put inside your building.


Well-Known Member
I'm not keen on the plywood walls. Sheetrock (drywall) isn't just used because it's also is a firebreak. Whereas plywood just feeds a fire.

And is this going to be one great big flower room? Or divided up? Just asking because of the mylar issue.


Well-Known Member
Instead of bubble wrap and plywood, I'd say insulate the walls with standard r19 insulation (I think that's standard wall insulation) and then put up Sheetrock. Then, they sell r6 or r7 bubble insulation (it basically bubble wrap with Mylar on it) at Home Depot for like $40 a roll. The higher the "r" value, the more insulating it does. That's just what I would do in your situation. But check the r value on any insulation you buy. Happy growing


Well-Known Member
So you'll have Mylar like material that insulates as well. Don't use foil, especially if your running HID lighting


Well-Known Member
If you have a private well, I'd just pull all the heat from all your gear through an icebox/radiator and dump the slightly warmer water back in the well, no harm no foul. Pumps draw very little power and can run 24/7 for months/years without maintenance.

Heat signature gone. Could even be used as an air conditioner if the intake waters has a cold enough charge, or fast enough flow through the radiator to combat the heat (bigger/better pump).


Well-Known Member
Way over board !

King span your loft an the insulation u already have in your loft is fine snow stays on the roof!

Tried an tested!

Found boarding up the window with MDF an king span on back works well too.

Used heat gun from work to check from out side an nothing


First and foremost...your definatley paranoid!!! You smoke ganj, your paranoid, you grow ganj, you become the king of paranoia! I never cared too much about heat signature. It would be pretty embarrassing for a helicopter to lant in my back yard, my door kicked in, just for them to find out that I have a room full of desert lizards in tanks with heat rocks. My friends Bearded Dragon room gets hotter than my grow ever gets. Would a cold room in a warm house look more suspicious than a hot room in a hot house. I dont know. I can't really offer much of an opinion to help you. Are you running one 400 or 4 1000's? Honestly, I would just try to balance the temps in and around the room intead of trying to make something invisible. I used 1.5" foam insulation on the top and sides of my reflector, wrapped that with the mentioned mylar type bubble wrap, insulated 6" duct insulation. The temps in the room will be balanced. The exhaust you can either vent up a chimeny, a dryer vent, or if its winter then send it into another room and use the heat to warm the house.


New Member
So if vented well, insulated well with celotex/kingspan, two 600 watt lights in a loft the heat sig should not be a problem.
( might move into my loft )