Interest in c02 exhale bags...


Hello all,

I am currently using a c02 system with the timer/regulator combo and a 20lb tank. It would be rather expensive for me to upgrade to the next largest tank, and even more expensive to fill; the current issue that I am facing is having to fill the tank nearly every few days.

I am curious about the exhale bags that I have seen. I do not have a c02 meter and cannot afford one, but trusting my own math the output in my room should be maxing out my gardens potential. I have heard good things buzzing around about the larger bags that were released this year, and at this point am contemplating the switch myself (selling my system and purchasing bags).

Can anyone personally attest to this method? I have yet to see a garden with them present, or would it be wise to continue with the pain in the ass of my c02 system? (which can't financially be upgraded for nearly 6 months).

Any help would be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
I think its going to be difficult to properly asses the effectiveness of a co2 system or a the natural bags without something measuring and/or controlling the PPM of the space.