Interesting Experimental Slice


righto, i have nearly no experience baking things. but what i did was:

3/4 cup of cannabutter (mine was made from leaf only)
1/2 packet of milk arrowroot biscuits (crushed)
1 tablespoon of honey (mine had gone hard)
approx 1/2 cup milk
1 1/2 drinking chocolate powder.
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons of plain flour
small handfull of choc chips.

Then everything was mixed together and put in a shallow square dish, and put in the oven at 200 degrees celsius for 15-20 min (or untill nicely brown). then put in the frige to cool.

havent tried it yet (it still hot as) but it looks good and smells great.


yup yup its good stuff. i made 6 portions out of the above recipe and had two yesterday and was pretty strong, so only had one today, 1= nice buzz 2= strong. very strong 3+