Investigator Rules Against Palin in Ethics Probe

ten feet!

Sarah Palin, the republicon corporate whore, is fucking up again. Hopefully she will be held accountable for her crimes and after a long stay in prison perhaps she'll be able to reform herself and become a productive member of society...:peace:

An independent investigator says there is probable cause to believe Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin used or attempted to use her official position for personal gain. The report, obtained by The Associated Press, says Palin authorized the creation of a trust as her legal defense fund.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- Days before Gov. Sarah Palin is scheduled to leave office, the former vice presidential candidate is facing yet another legal distraction: An independent investigator found evidence she may have violated ethics laws by trading on her position as she sought money for lawyer fees.
A report obtained Tuesday by the Associated Press said Gov. Palin is securing unwarranted benefits and receiving improper gifts through the Alaska Fund Trust, set up by supporters.
An investigator for the state personnel board says in the July 14 report that there is probable cause to believe Gov. Palin used or attempted to use her official position for personal gain because she authorized the creation of the Alaska Fund Trust as the "official" legal defense fund.
The practical effect of the ruling on Gov. Palin will be more financial than anything else, although the fate of the tens of thousands of dollars in the fund is unclear, said Palin attorney Thomas Van Flein. The report recommends that the complaint be resolved without a formal hearing before the board. That allows her to resolve the issue without a formal ethics reprimand.
Gov. Palin posted an entry on Twitter in which she said the "matter is still pending," a statement echoed by Mr. Van Flein.
The fund aims to help Gov. Palin pay off debts stemming from multiple ethics complaints against her, most of which have been dismissed. Gov. Palin says she owes more than $500,000 in legal fees, and she cited the toll of the ethics probes as one of the reasons she is leaving office on Sunday.
Kristan Cole, the fund's trustee, said organizers have frozen the fund pending the personnel board's review. Many federal politicians, including Hillary Clinton, former Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens and others are routinely allowed to have such funds to pay off legal bills, but quirks in Alaska law can present ethics issues.
Mr. Van Flein said the potential loss of money from the fund had absolutely no bearing on Gov. Palin's decision to resign.
He said Gov. Palin received the report 11 days after her July 3 announcement that she was leaving office. He also noted that the investigator recommended the governor seek reimbursement from the state for the cost of fighting ethics complaints that have been dismissed.
"It's cheaper for the people of the state of Alaska to have the bills paid for through the trust fund," Mr. Van Flein said. "But if that can't be done, then it looks like the state of Alaska could pay."
The investigator, Thomas Daniel, suggested that Alaska lawmakers may need to create a law that reimburses public officials for legal expenses to defend complaints that end up being unfounded.
Gov. Palin's friends and supporters created the Alaska Fund Trust in April, limiting donations to $150 a person. Organizers declined to say how much it has raised, and had hoped to raise about $500,000. A Web-a-thon last month brought in about $130,000 in pledges.
In his report, Mr. Daniel said his interpretation of the ethics act is consistent with common sense.
An ordinary citizen facing legal charges isn't likely to be able to generate donations to a legal defense fund, he wrote. "In contrast, Governor Palin is able to generate donations because of the fact that she is a public official and a public figure."
The ethics complaint was filed by Eagle River resident Kim Chatman shortly after the fund was created, alleging Gov. Palin was misusing her official position and accepting improper gifts.
"It's an absolute shame that she would continue to keep the Alaska Fund Trust Web site up and running," Ms. Chatman told the AP.
At least 19 ethics complaints have been filed against Gov. Palin, most of them after she was named the running mate for GOP presidential candidate John McCain. Most of those have been dismissed, although one was resolved when Gov. Palin agreed to reimburse the state more than $8,000 for the costs associated with nine trips taken with her children.
John Coale, a Washington lawyer who helped set up the fund, called the probable cause finding "crazy," adding that if upheld, it would mean that no governor could ever defend themselves against frivolous ethics complaints.
"Anybody can keep filing ethics complaints and drive someone out of office, even if you're a nut," Mr. Coale said.
Unlike other states, he said, Alaska has no legal counsel's office devoted to defending the governor from allegations brought against her in her official capacity.
Copyright © 2009 Associated Press
Sounds more like to me that she will be cleared of this charge as well. I mean she was the governor, her name is well known in the state, its not like she has to pretend to be someone else right?
At least she won't be taking advantage of her "Alaska trust fund" anymore. Its obvious that shes acted unethically on many occasions, either that or maybe she really is as dumb as she acts.
Speaking of ethics, I'm not surprised to see all of the charges against Palin. This is after all the woman who, as the Governor or Alaska, drew on the work of oil company funded scientists known to be skeptical about global warming to back efforts to stop polar bears from being protected as an endangered species. She even admitted she wanted the bears off the list because the protected status could slow drilling for oil and gas.
I'm not so sure that the polar bears are doing better now than ever.:confused: They rely on the polar icepack to survive and hunt and right now its smaller than its ever been in recorded history. Stranded bears have been spotted swimming in the middle of open ocean hundreds of miles from shore searching for ice.
Unless more information comes out I would play it safe on this and say Palin is most likely not a mastermind and trying to screw the system. They may get her on some technicality but I doubt it was out and out fraud. Just people going crazy looking for anything to nail Palin. I can't blame her for trying to make a buck off her fame, even if I really take issue with her policies.

But then again I used to be a tool of the media, so I should investigate further if I am going to talk about her without finding where the info I read about her came from. Although there are a lot of things she actually said about policy I do disagree with.
Hey is in not what Gore the whore did with his name and his whole global warming farce?????

Funny how he is a great leader in which he does nothing he says people should do. Man he makes a killing off of people and yet he and his staff do nothing to help the environment.

So I say... leave palin alone as there are more people out there who need to be held accountable for their actions.
"Investigator Rules Against Palin in Ethics Probe "

OK, so there's the title of the thread. Now answer this: How can an investigator rule against Palin ... and is it important? Is the investigator a court of law? I suspect this so-called "Investigator" is the very person who has filed FIVE of the fifteen frivolous law suits against Palin ... all of which have been overturned or thrown out of court.

Now, let's start posting some relevant stuff ... like how Palin is a major threat to the Progressives mainly because she is a woman who doesn't march in lock-step to the fascist/socialist bullshit of the National Organization of Women.
