iPhone/iPod Touch App


Active Member
I am not sure which thread to throw this in, so I guess I this will work best.
I am thinking of making a iPhone app for tracking your plants growth, and am looking for input as to what it should do.

I was thinking of doing a calendar that tracks the various stage of your plants by week, as well as what state they are in.

In addition, I wanted to be able to try and track like a single plant with various inputs. It would be great for comparing fertilizer a vs fertilier b, or hydro vs aero or whatever. You could also use the camera to take pictures to track it's growth.

Other than that I just thought like a supplies tracker to let you know when you are running low on soil or nutes and a unit converter/calculator to help measure your nutes.

Any suggestions? What would you like to see in an iPhone app of this sort? Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
only thing is you have your name and number sent to apple for downloading such a app and syncing it with your touch or phone, not to stealthy if ya ask me


Well-Known Member
Isnt there a virtual spliff app for iphone?

I wouldnt keep info like that on a phone. What happens if you lose it?


Well-Known Member
anyone know off any apps that track PH nutes growth temp etc etc.. for my PC?
I would also like t know. It would be great if they had an app were you could track the progress of your plants. If anyone knows if thereis one please post the information thank you.


Active Member
I'm just gettin started with it. I know dick about programming, so I have to learn it all as I go along. But it shall be pretty cool when it is done, even if I only use it or distribute it as an .ipa or whatever.


Well-Known Member
And you think Apple will approve it?
(you are only allowed 100 installs without going through the app store)