ir, thermal imaging help

Hi im starting my very first gorw room. growing chillis and tobbaco.

First my grow room is in the loft/attic of my house. its a room within a room. I have built a frame around the existing structure. I have kept away from the external walls to aviod heating them and transmitting a thermal image.

I have found a product calle MEGALUX megashield. wich claims to completly stop all thermal and ir images being transmitted. has anyone used this? i have read existing posts but no comments from people who have actually used it.

My plan was to use the megashield as the outer layer of my grow tent/room. Then used diamond pressed mylar on the inside to increase reflectivity

Then to cover the outside of the tent and my entire loft with Space blanket insulation.

- The megashield to stop thermal images being transmitted
- Space blanket loft insulation so my enitre loft gives out the same level of heat-

Feedback ideas help comments, ALL WELCOME im a complete newbie