Iran digging graves for US troops if they attack. Shit is about to get real.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Iran digging graves for US troops if they attack

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran has dug mass graves in which to bury U.S. troops in case of any American attack on the country, a former commander of the elite Revolutionary Guard said.
The digging of the graves appears to be a show of bravado after the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, said last week that the U.S. military has a contingency plan to attack Iran, although he thinks a military strike is probably a bad idea.
The U.S. and some of its allies accuse Iran of using its civilian nuclear program as a cover to build nuclear weapons. Iran has denied the charges, saying its nuclear program is geared merely toward generating electricity, not bomb.
Gen. Hossein Kan'ani Moghadam, who was the Guard's deputy commander during the 1980s, said graves have been dug in Iran's southwestern Khuzestan province, where Iran buried Iraqi soldiers killed during the ruinous 1980-88 war between the Islamic republic and Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's regime.
"The mass graves that used to be for burying Saddam's soldiers have now been prepared again for U.S. soldiers, and this is the reason for digging this big number of graves," Moghadam told The Associated Press Television News late Monday. He did not say how many were prepared.
Footage obtained by APTN showed a large number of empty, freshly dug graves in a desert region of Khuzestan. The digging of the graves was first reported earlier this week by Iran's semiofficial news agency Fars.
Moghadam repeated warnings that Iran will retaliate against U.S. bases in the Gulf if there is an attack on Iran. The U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet headquarters is based just across the Gulf from Iran in Bahrain.
If U.S. forces attack, "Iran will have no choice but to strike the American bases in the region," he said. "The heavy costs of such a war will not be just on the Islamic Republic of Iran. America and other countries should accept that this would be the start of an extensive war in the region."
The war of words has intensified between Iran and the United States after the U.N. Security Council imposed a fourth round of tougher sanctions in June in response to Iran's refusal to halt uranium enrichment, a technology that can be used to produce nuclear fuel or material for an atomic bomb.
The U.S. and Israel have said military force could be used if diplomacy fails to stop what they suspect is an Iranian nuclear weapons program.

Ah shit is about to get real. With Iran and Korea playing with nucs ... and American thirst for strategic control of given regions. Through the recent investment in Saudi Arabia (U.S. plans $30 billion F-15 sale to Saudi Arabia)

Also, ominous word from Fidel Castro on the subject.

Castro: Nuclear sage or siren?

"If there's an attack on Iran by Israel and the US, there's no way to prevent it from becoming a nuclear war." - Former Cuban president Fidel Castro

Castro uttered these ominous words last month, and this week, undeterred by an army of Western skeptics, repeated his warning of a "nuclear holocaust" by making a rare appearance in parliament ...

Not to mention, Pakistan ... as it's about to go 'rogue' .... shit is about to hit the fan.
Time to prepare, construct that bomb shelter and play some 'Fallout' for practice .... hmmm where did I put that game ?? 2012 here we come.
I wouldn't get too excited. Iran is good at propaganda. Little do they know, we'll use those trenches to bury their dead by the thousands before the first boot hits the sand. I believe an attack is imminent given the circumstances. Iran has yet to come clean to the IAEA and is believed to have more undisclosed nuclear sites.

I wouldn't put a lot of faith in the 2012 theories. The Mayans weren't out to make a calendar until the end of the world, they just ran one as far as their math could take them or until something else came along that was more exciting...

We have no reason to use nukes against Iran, however Israel may very well in an attempt to hit hardened sites. It is known that Obama ordered all work on bunker busters to be increased two fold, including research and development. It is believed that some of these weapons have already been provided to Israel. Both Turkey and Saudi Arabia have given green lights to Israel to use their airspace. Iraq has refused, but then again, we are in control of those skies. Iraq can publicly complain and claim it was against their wishes.
This is just Iran blowing it's own horn! If you are ever threatened you are always going to come back with a harder response, if America goes into yet another country crying war the rest of the world will give up on them. What the fuck is America doing?! They want to control the world, but the world doesn't want to be controlled! What good would America invading Iran do? Another 10 year war? We all know how well they have dealt with things in Afganistan, I can only feel pain and sorrow for the poor civilians of that country, my god, imagine waking up everyday as a kid to gun fire and bombs exploding, people dying all around you, and an ugly as fuck view out your window because of a war ravished country, and not knowing any better, not knowing that life can be beautiful!? Does the American military have any idea what they are putting theses countries through?!

I'm so suprised that the rest of the world powers are letting this happen. In these situations we should just leave these countries to it. Ok cool, Iran has nuclear fire power, so fucking what, joing the god damn club I say?! America probably has enough bombs to blow half the earth up! You don't see England or Australia complaining and threatening to go to war because of it. Fuck I'm tired of the military minded americans (sorry, not generalising) it's all a big ass money making project put forward by greasy fucking corporate pigs who have probably never held a gun in their lives let alone seen someone dying in cold blood.

I read not long ago in the papers, 50 or so innocent people blown up in Afganistan by a NATO air strike. What the fuck is this shit!? Why?
I just don't see any good in what America has done to this world in the last 10 - 15 years. Seriously (I'm talking politically and militarily, so please my fellow smokers of America don't take offence) Obama makes promise for change and even gts a god damn nobel peace prize for it, then the very next day send thousands more troops into Iraq, that guys a fuckin pig, just like Bush was before him. Makes me sick!

I'm sorry guys, I just get so fucking angry with all this, and the worst thing is, I can't do jack shit about it. Unfortunately America is just going to bring more hate on itself from the rest of the world. Not a good thing at all.
So your answer is to do nothing and allow a nuclear arms race to begin in the middle east? Because all you do is rant about America and you offer up no solid solutions.

This is Exactly why we end up being the damn world police. The rest of the fucking nations are pussies that won't stand up to tyrants. If Iran is attacked, it'll be it's own damn fault. We have tried diplomacy on this issue for far too long now.
Ok, maybe so, but obviously war has ressolved fuck all aswell, I agree with you, I don't understand at all why the rest of the world sits back and watches, but the solution is deffinately not war, America has every reason to be paranoid about the Nuclear arms race, but you and I both know that America takes full part in that race, and in fact is probably in first place.

I don't have a solution, but it isn't my job to find a solution, America being the diplomatic land of the free that it is should quite easily, with all that fucking money and power, be able to find a much more peaceful solution, don't you think. War is not the answer, why has the war in Afganistan been going on for 10 fucking years? Because it hasn't ressolved shit!

Things need to change, starting yet another war is deffinately not the answer. Especially one based on paranoid suspicions.
Also this is not just about a nuclear arms race, there is much more to it. Hows much god damn money does the American military have? It is about power, money, control, and even oil. The nuclear weapons in my opinion is a very small part of the equation.

On a side note with all these billions of dollars being spent on meaningless wars resulting in virtually nothing but death and raped counties, why can't America actually do something productive with that cash, help out countries that would actually benefit from the money. Bring places like Cambodia and it's neighboring countries out of poverty, spend money on science and research to study deadly sicknesses, leanr how to make ourselves greener (no pun intended) and I don't know what else, I'm not saying that these things have priority over others, I'm just trying to make examples of why these wars are just a waste of everything, lives, money, time, energy.

It just makes no sense to me at all, maybe I'm just not politically minded enough, I dunno. i just know that it's not right. With those billions and billions of dollars I know I could make a much bigger difference.
The menatlity of people these days is just fucked up. i don't get it, and can't see any good coming from it.
Can anyone else??
Yeah Iran is a real threat to the United States. They were in a stalemate with Iraq for years, and we overran Iraq like they were nothing.
So Iran is juxtaposing their gravesites and looking like defiant mice flipping the finger in the face of the encroaching eagle.
What on earth do you expect the rest of the world to do?

This discussion always blows my mind. WTF do you want anybody to do?
Imadinnerjacket, along with many other radical muslims, CONSTANTLY.....CONTINUALLY.....OVER AND OVER AGAIN.....UNCEASINGLY....threaten OUR GOOD ALLY ISRAEL with annihilation.

It is AMAZING how Israel and other nations have been patient. For fucking years we have been trying to have dialog, invited talks, negotiations, in order to reach a more peaceful solution to these unhuman bastards that won't give a fucking inch when it comes to even recognizing that Israel has a right to exist.
You don't hear the HALF of what these radical retards say against the tiny country.

What is truly surprising is that Israel hasn't taken matters into their own hands yet.
And if this nation has an ounce of intelligence, we will stand behind Israel and whip the asses of anyone who is threatening her that has the capability of carrying out those threats.

ANY country....fucking any country.....that is that radical and vocal about their belief that the Jews need to be systematically exterminated...needs to be watched like a hawk.
Allowing those morons to develop nukes is asking for trouble, and any 10 year old can see that.

It frustrates the hell out of me to hear people bash the U.S. because they see us taking steps to avoid this mess. It's as if they have this "oh, they mean no real harm" attitude.
"War isn't the answer", they chime. Well, if negotiations and sanctions don't work, if the UN can't persuade them to become more human, and they don't fear powerful nations that could annihilate THEM off the face of the earth....please. Please enlighten this forum and therefore the rest of the world, what the solution is.
LoL ...

It is AMAZING how Israel and other nations have been patient. For fucking years we have been trying to have dialog, invited talks, negotiations, in order to reach a more peaceful solution to these unhuman bastards that won't give a fucking inch when it comes to even recognizing that Israel has a right to exist.
You don't hear the HALF of what these radical retards say against the tiny country.
Dude are you kidding me ?
Judging by your statement ... you really don't know what is happening. By any chances do you have any Jewish ties Sharon1 ... your mother perhaps ??
Are you 12 ?
U.S is getting played by Israel big time.

Netanyahu: I deceived US to destroy Oslo accords
Damaging video released

By Jonathan Cook in Nazareth
24 July 2010
Jonathan Cook considers the significance of a video that has surfaced showing Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu boasting about his ability to manipulate the United States and his success in destroying the Oslo accords with the Palestinians.

There is one video Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, must be praying never gets posted on YouTube with English subtitles. To date, the 10-minute segment has been broadcast only in Hebrew on Israel’s Channel 10.[Editor’s note: A version of the Natanyahu video with English subtitles is now available and can be viewed, together with the translated English transcript, here.]

Its contents, however, threaten to gravely embarrass not only Mr Netanyahu but also the US administration of Barack Obama.

The film was shot, apparently without Mr Netanyahu’s knowledge, nine years ago, when the government of Ariel Sharon had started reinvading the main cities of the West Bank to crush Palestinian resistance in the early stages of the second intifada.

Go to the source to watch the video.

P.S You know they are running the biggest concentration camp in Gaza at the moment .... you know that right ?
Im not worried about the actual killing of or sanctioning of the few radical Iranians/Muslims, that is all good, my problem is that in all out war, the majority of people that die have absolutely nothing to do with the problem, and in my books if American soldiers (being ordered to or not) are killing innocent people then that does not make them any better than the people they are trying to hunt down! That is why, for me, war is not the answer. It's not worth it. How many terrorists have been put in jail or killed compared with how many innocent citizens have been killed?? The numbers don't justify the current wars that are going on at all.

And to say this is a war (or will be a war) based on religious differences between Muslims and Jews, or Israelis and Iranians, is wrong. Maybe Iran has been on Israel's back (although this is the first time i've heard of that to be honest), but that is deffinately not why America thinks they need to be there, why would they decide to step in now all of a sudden?? There is way more to it than that. They are not planning on going there simply because of religious differences, sorry sharon1
Anyway in my opinion America's first mistake was killing Saddam Hussein, although that guy was a cretin he did hold some sought of balance between Iraq, Iran and Israel, now that he's gone that balance has turned to shit. And I think the American polititians have realised that now. Please, I in no way supported what he did, I'm just stating what knowledge I have aquired.

As I have said, maybe war is the only option, but I don't agree with it at all, and as far as I'm aware, it has not resolved anything since the second world war. How long are international troops gonna hang around in Afganistan and Iraq for, for how long am I going to have to read the sad news that x amount of innocents were killed in a NATO bombing, who is the monster here? Unfortunately, for me at least, the American military are starting to look really bad, and no longer hero's.

Anyway sharon1 that is my reasoning behind my argument, it is a pretty fucked up situation, but I honestly think there has to be a better solution, war has been tried so many times and always with the same results, it's time for a new approach. Wouldn't you agree? I mean there are some smart fuckers out there in the political world, who get paid shit loads of cash, why can't they come up with a solution? The question I'm trying to put forward is, Is war really the answer?

By the way, I mean no harm to anyone, and I am purely voicing my opinion, and things I have read. I really don't want to offend anyone, so please don't take it personally. For me the world is fucked up and backwards, and the American government has always had a part to play in this (not it's people) so I dunno, anyway..................
if anything.... they need the bomb shelters over there in iran.
even if Iran had a bomb, it still lacks a delivery system. if Iran uses a "scorched earth" policy then maybe they are digging the ditches for themselves.
I can't believe we as a species allow this kind of lameness to actually exist.

It's pathetic.

-1 for Iran, -1 for the United States, and -1000 for Humanity for our wierd culture of insanity and stupidity.
if anything.... they need the bomb shelters over there in iran.
even if Iran had a bomb, it still lacks a delivery system. if Iran uses a "scorched earth" policy then maybe they are digging the ditches for themselves.

Can you please elaborate on your statement.
You want them to bomb bomb shelters over Iran ?
Iran lacks delivery system to deliver the bomb where ?

Gorge .W is that you ?
Iran has no ICBM program. They were trying to purchase delivery systems(ICBMs) from North Korea. If you remember everyone was worried about North Korea testing ICBMs a few months back.

The U.S. will never allow NK deliver thee devices to Iran.
They do not need ICBM's to nuke Israel. That will be the flashpoint.
Also .... when shit hits the fan in North Korea .... US is not going to have enough troops nor money .... to stop/do anything.
let the nukes fly!
the world and all of humanity has gone to shit anyway..
I'm ready for a nuke to hit me directly in the face..
fuck the world maybe humans will get it right next go around