is 8 hrs of direct sun enuff?


Active Member
I have limited space in my yard and limited sunlight.I get good sun from about 10am to about 6pm or so.Is this enuff light to produce good sized plants?My plants are also in 20 gallon containers so they can be moved around.


Well-Known Member
thats that should be plenty of light, even when there in some shade they are still getting light.. what area r u in if u dont mind askin

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
you should be good with that but 187 is right you want as much morning light as possible. and those 20 gal containers wont be so easy to move when they are full of roots a giant ass plant and water. keep that in mind


Well-Known Member
Im in norcal.Do you think 20gallon containers are sufficient enuff to grow sum good sized bushes??
i pulled over a an elbo in 12 gallon pot of ffof from an afgan/skunk "tfd , afghanica" and another half from a clone that was bout 8 in tall on june first in a 6 gal . so yea 20 will do the job .

Carolina Green Bud

Active Member
You got plenty of light, and like somebody said, you can grow a tree in 20 gallons.
I'm growing in 5 gallons, and one guy on here got a pound from a 5 gallon pot, although I think this was a perfect grow. I'll be happy with a 1/4 lb per plant.