Is 9 oz cured a good yield for a 6 foot indica strain?


Active Member
My biggest plant was six feet and I harvested all at once. I maybe should have cut the top for harvest and let the bottom grow a couple weeks more.

It's amazing how resilient the cannabis plant is. I cut off 80% off of a different plant to harvest with only the buds remaining and it's looking fine after 4days.

Anyways I'm just curious if that's a good yield because I was hoping for at least a pound from the plant overall and I barely got a half pound from my biggest one.


Well-Known Member
Can't answer wothout know your light source. 6 ounces under a 400 hps? Fantastic! 6 ounces from 1000 HPS not so much.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
hold on, 9 oz cured????? you loose about 75% of the moisture from the fresh bud when drying. my math is shite but even i know thats a shit load of weed from a single plant, im dubious following my maths i could be wrong