Is a 4" 160 cfm inline fan sufficient?


Active Member
My tent is 36"w x 20"d x 65"h

I need to cool and deodorize my tent. I plan on doing a fan/filter combo. I know a 6" would be much better but I am on a budget. I also have a 4" booster for intake. Anyone with a similar set-up??


Well-Known Member
I, like many people, started out with a 4". It will depend on your light really. What size, type? I honestly struggled with heat using a 400w hps. ATB!

ink the world

Well-Known Member
That 4" fan will struggle pulling air through the filter and out. It will filter a small tent, but won't remove a lot of heat.
My suggestion is to wait until you have a few extra bucks to get a 6 inch.


Well-Known Member
I use a 4" 190cfm inline / carbon filter to cool a 600 hps and exhaust a 4x4 tent and my temps sit around 74-78. Its all about the ambient temp of the room your tents in!


Well-Known Member
I use a 4" 190cfm inline / carbon filter to cool a 600 hps and exhaust a 4x4 tent and my temps sit around 74-78. Its all about the ambient temp of the room your tents in!
Exactly. All about that ambient temperature. I've been saying this forever. Fans do not cool air they MOVE it. I would +rep you but it won't let me. Also negative pressure is a must. People seem to not realize these two things. I think that's why you have so many struggling with heat.


Active Member
i would recommend a 6" i tried lots of diff lil fans and boosters they suck, get a 6" on exhaust and run a passive intake if u want..

Once again ^^^ Ambient temps in room keep them in check

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Unless you kill all of your plants, get discouraged, and quit growing, you will eventually buy a bigger fan.

That being said, it's always best to plan ahead, and go bigger than you currently need. Consider buying a 6" fan and running in on a speed controller. A speed controller will lower CFM down to your needs, and also lower the RPM on the motor, making your fan run more quietly. I think most 4" and 6" fans use the same motors, so you won't be spending more on electricity, either.

This way, when you finally do upgrade, you wont need to go drop another 150 on a fan.

If I can make a recommendation, the 6" Max-Fans are great. They're a lot smaller than a traditional 6" fan, quieter, more energy efficient, and have a built-in speed controller. They're worth the extra $30 over buying the cheaper 6" fans.