Is A 600w HPS too much heat for a small closet grow?

Is A 600w HPS too much heat for a small closet grow?

I have a couple fans, one big & one small. trying to get some idea's on how to re-circulate air flow.

My 600w HPS grow kit arrives in the mail in 2 - 3 days so I'm trying to figure out where to set this up, will a closet be ok or will the temps exceed 82?

Thanks for any & all replies, help is greatly appreciated. I'm a first time grower so I've got some stuff to learn bongsmilie


Active Member
600w do pump out ALOT of heat. Best give dimensions & pics of your grow setup. Maybe invest in a fan controller or airhood to keep temps down?


Active Member
I say if the closet is big enough to run an air cooled hood why not run a 600. Push more air if it gets too hot but with winter here I dont see that happening if you move enough air. Back in the squrrel cage fan days I was running 2 600's in a closet that was standard sliding door and 7 feet wide. Now with 8 inch fans and fixtures you shouldn't have any issues.


Active Member
i suggest setting it up and running for a few "dry" runs. No plants. This will allow you to adjust things, figure out your temps, and make things right before introducing any plants. I tested my room for a few minutes, then a few hours, then over night, making adjustments every step of the way. When I thought I was "done," I ended up spending a couple more weeks on it. It was worth it in my opinion. Things are working well.


Well-Known Member
you have already bought it so u dont have much choice. i would definitely invest in some sort of cool tube. it should be fine if you move enough air through. realistically though unless your going to run co2 its a waste. most cupboard size spaces would be better off with a 400 as there is only so much light the plant can use before it needs extra co2 to help boost photosynthesis. its just running up the power bill for no reason
The closet is pretty small, it's not a walk in closet so I figured I might move the light to a spare bedroom. I think that would be best right guys?