Is a 7 gal pot too big

I'm getting ready to start my first auto flower grow got some advanced auto mass seeds. I have 3 gal pots I normally start in and 7 gal smart pots to finish. I want to maximize the yield on these but haven't seen anybody use much bigger than a 5 gal. There's no shortage of light and space (2-1000w hps in 8x8 room). Would it even be worth it to use the 7 and just stay in 3 or should I go get some 5's.


Use ur final pot off the bat. Coax your roots out by watering in rectangles away from plant leaving center unwatered. I use recycle bins and run 4 on 1 off for first 3 weeks then 18\6 till chop. 3 oz in 70 days auto lemon haze strain