Is anybody really concerned about the "proposed changes" to the MMJ law?


Well-Known Member
I read through most of the proposals and most of them do very little if anything to actually change what already is. Photos on patient and caregiver cards. Funny, I thought that's why I sent my wife and her CG's pic to the state in the fucking first place. Ehh who cares, lets waste some legislative time and money to clarify what LARA'S job already is. Others relating to felons not being able to become a caregiver and so forth....

I look over all these proposals and (yes there are many more) I can't help but think to myself; what really changes for most people? Not much really....

Sure they can demand a "bona-fide" patient doctor relationship but that's a tough cookie to prove in court whether or not a patient had a "bona-fide" relationship or not. Anybody can go to a pain management clinic and get CII controlled substances prescribed on the very first visit. Is that 1 visit not a bona-fide relationship? I see a lot of people being concerned about that amendment in particular and it seems more like a bunch of bluster and muster that really amounts to nothing. If your doctor did indeed review your legitimate records from another licensed physician and deems that you are qualified for mmj after a full and thorough examination, who's telling me or you that's not a bona-fide relationship?

Looking forward to some good discussion on this one y'all...especially u stumpy...I appreciate and enjoy your feedback b/c I know you're always staying close to the issues.


Well-Known Member
I'm up in the air.. I read Bill Schuette's "proposed changes" not the actual bills and one thing that surprised me was that he wanted to make it a misdemeanor for a patient to sell to another patient, punishable up to 90 days/$1000, I think right now they are trying to charge people with felonies for that.

After reading the bills the ones that are the worst are the Dr/pt bill which like you said, is hard to prove in court, and the local zoning/ordinance bill saying a patient can't grow in his town if there is an ordinance against it..

I'm not as worried as I was when I was listening to the MMMA and their fear mongering. You have to really take a lot of thier speil with a grain of salt.


Well-Known Member
I'll let you know how afraid of them I am after I see what passes, and how fast I have to tear down my grow or cut loose some patients. Not going to fucking jail. I can grow just my own medicine, and use the rest of my gear to grow veggies and flowers. That would actually be nice.


Well-Known Member
I am gonna go on a hunch I have. If Michigan takes back the medical marijuana law, there will be a whole lot of people bitching while they smoke their joints.


Well-Known Member
I am gonna go on a hunch I have. If Michigan takes back the medical marijuana law, there will be a whole lot of people bitching while they smoke their joints.
Same way we all bitched about not being able to have and provide for those who medically benefit from it's use before the 63% vote for it. No doubt in my mind either.

I don't think they'll repeal it, but make it more strict.....very possible in my mind.

Where is Buddy..........these threads are too quiet tonight......


Well-Known Member
It's pretty difficult for them to do a full repeal b/c that would require a 3/4 majority in the state house and senate. I'm sure they'll pass some junk legislation in an attempt to make things more difficult but there's always a way to make it work even when things get tough.


Well-Known Member
It's pretty difficult for them to do a full repeal b/c that would require a 3/4 majority in the state house and senate. I'm sure they'll pass some junk legislation in an attempt to make things more difficult but there's always a way to make it work even when things get tough.
My understanding is that this is an ammendment, which only requires 51% in favor, and not new legislatin, which needs a 3/4 vote.

Please correct me if I'm happens :).


Active Member
Yeah we are screwed. No more dispenaries. in fact the new bill that just passed makes it illegal for a caregiver to charge money. It's all F'd up now.


Well-Known Member
Yeah we are screwed. No more dispenaries. in fact the new bill that just passed makes it illegal for a caregiver to charge money. It's all F'd up now.
you could only be reimbursed, you could NEVER charge your patients for meds..

on another note, i dunno if the new bills are going to be passed, the lawmakers and reps are getting TONS of flack about them and most likely, hopefully, will back down


Well-Known Member

<br><p> Hi Folks, I am writing you today to share important news and information from the front. Because you have been writing, calling and visiting your Reps. In historic numbers, the legislature is scrambling to adjust their position on these Bills. They are now saying that they will be submitting new Bills. We have heard there will be five of them. We have also heard that they are losing support in the legislature. The people are in the fight and they will not be ignored. What this means is we must continue to apply pressure. We must keep doing exactly what we&#8217;re doing. We must get a lot more people involved. We need to be sending them thousands of letters a day. The one thing the government has proven is that they can&#8217;t be trusted with our law, patients and caregivers. For the next month we must educate the public. Continue to lobby the government anyway we can. We will win this fight.
<br><p>We are fighting this fight on many fronts. We are doing around the clock conference calls to determine and maintain the correct course of action. We will not leave any stone unturned.
The people know the facts of our case. We enjoy their support. They are watching with interest how we are treated by the government. Over the last three years, the amount of terror that has been heaped upon our community is beyond belief. I have listened in horror as the attorney general and members of the legislature have slandered and libeled the sick and dying. They now ask us to trust them immediately after they introduce an abundance of Bills that will land patients in jail. At this point the government must implement this law as voted on by the public.

<br><p>Please keep sending emails. We&#8217;ve got their attention. Now let&#8217;s finish the fight. Click the link below to quickly send your letter to every Rep or use one of our prewritten letters.

<br><p>Please visit both of the links below to send a clear message to the legislature. Time is short. Please help us and yourself by defending the act.<b>
<p><br><size font size=4><br><a href="">Call, Visit Or write Your Rep. Before It Is Too Late! Click Here</a>
<p><br><a href=""> We Must Save The Michigan Medical Marijuana Act!Help us save the Michigan medical marijuana act by clicking here! It only Takes a Couple of Seconds to sign This petition.</a></size></b>
<br><size font size=4><br><a href="">Keep up with the latest news by Clicking Here</a>

<br><p> Here is a summary of the House Bills and what they would mean to patients and caregivers.

<br><p>HB4397 Forbids a club who charges a membership to have events. This means almost all social events would be illegal.
<br><p>HB4463 Would forbid felons from being caregivers
<br><p>HB4661 Is the School, Church and Daycare law. This law would nullify the Act.
<br><p> This law would punish the sickest patients in Michigan. Those that live in areas of high population are much more likely to be impacted. For instance in Holland, 85% of th cities population was excluded, because of drug free zones, from the protection of the act. The national average is 80% of a metro area. In areas where studies have been conducted, minorities and poor people were much more likely to be impacted by drug free zones. In one state the enhanced penalties were absorbed by minorities to the tune of 96%.
<br><p>Hb4834 This is the add a photograph Bill. This Bill goes much further than that. It opens the law up to law enforcement having full access to our registry data. It would provide a shopping list to police. You have t read the complete text of these Bills.
<br><p>HB4850 Would make it illegal for a caregiver to transfer to a patient that he/she is not connected to. It also makes it illegal for a patient to acquire meds from anyone other than their primary caregiver. The penalty for both patients and caregivers is a felony conviction which bar the defendant from asserting the Medical defense. This means if a caregiver had 72 plants and 15 ozs. They would be facing 7 years in Prison and a $500,000 fine. They would be tried under the PHC/CSA. Patients with 12 plants and 2.5 ozs. Would be facing 4 years and a $20,000 fine.
<br><p>HB4851 Redefines a doctor/patient relationship. Patients would be denied the Medical defense if the doctor did not follow the Standard of Care. In addition this Bill would redefine what a locked enclosed facility is. This Bill would mean prison for patients and caregivers.
<br><p> HB4852 This Bill would subject all of us to the whims of local zoning boards. Folks in many localities know what this means. Townships would be able to outlaw growing patients and cargivers.
<br><p>HB4854 Would make it illegal for a caregiver t advertise. If the caregiver does advertise they would be looking at a year in jail.
<br><p>HB4856 Would make it illegal to transport marijuana except in limited circumstances. A patient or caregiver would subject to 90 days in prison.
<br><p>HB5286 would allow police with a search warrant the right to check the registry prior to execution of the warrant.


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Well-Known Member
I'm not a fan of the registry list being turned over to the state police. I'm sure I don't need to explain why.


Well-Known Member
theres a storm brewing.. saw that they want to charge legislators for conspiracy.... fuck this government .. burn it down start fresh with out fed... but lets keep the constitution :)

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Didn't Jefferson say a new government was needed every 6 years?
theres a storm brewing.. saw that they want to charge legislators for conspiracy.... fuck this government .. burn it down start fresh with out fed... but lets keep the constitution :)

Collisto's Orbit

Well-Known Member
Sent my message. Don't the people in power ever wonder, What is it about a plant that can relieve the pain and nausia of cancer patients poisoned by chemotheropy? How does that one fact alone not stop a reasonable person in their tracks and make them think there must be something amazing about MJ?


Well-Known Member
Any changes to a law that end up putting law abiding citizens on a police "usual suspect" type list, next to the police list of pedophiles isn't a list I want to be on as one of those law abiding citizen in a soverign state.
The bottom line is, I will not pay the state of Michigan 100 dollars a year for the privledge of being on a police list of any kind.
The only one to lose in that deal will be the state of Michigan.