Is clipping Fan Leaves sketch???

Halfway through flowering is it still cool to clip fan leaves? They are blocking all the light to the buds not directly on top. If you clip the fan leaves that are blocking the light will it improve yield or will it slow down the process? I don't want to slow down budding, I just want more bud.

poke smot420

Well-Known Member
i clip the fan leaves 2-3 weeks before i know i'm about to pull down. i believe it increases yield because the extra light on the buds and the plant puts more direct energy to making the buds knobby. so if i were you, i'd wait a week or so.


Well-Known Member
Halfway through flowering is it still cool to clip fan leaves? They are blocking all the light to the buds not directly on top. If you clip the fan leaves that are blocking the light will it improve yield or will it slow down the process? I don't want to slow down budding, I just want more bud.
Plant biology says that the fan leaves cuase the plant to produce more bud, so I never cut any leaves. When the plants are through with the leaves they will just drop off on their own.

Check out Uncle Bud's topping technique in the advance growing thread, you will get an advance class on plant biology.

hope that helps