Is Garlic Bud still around?


Active Member
I’m looking for the Garlic Bud that went into Black Domina. I know OldSchoolBA has seeds, anyone taken a chance on these to see if they’re legit?
I’m looking for the Garlic Bud that went into Black Domina. I know OldSchoolBA has seeds, anyone taken a chance on these to see if they’re legit?
Garlic bud isnt in black domina mate but it was used in shiva shanti one and two and as far as im aware pure garlic buds only in private hands now these days no one sells it commercially closest you will get is a garlic bud pheno from shiva shanti#1 if u hunt it out used to be common idk bout now and the shivashanti#2 is more floral less garlic influence and i aint heard many good things about oldschoolba so id avoid em for reference the garlic bud was a afghani strain not a hybrid like shiva or some folk think
The Black Domina I remember from back around 2008 was very garlicky / peppery. No fruit that I recall. I ordered some Black Domina seeds from Sensi to see if they still have that pheno, but some people say it’s much more fruity now.
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This isn't what you're asking, but I remember someone on The Real Seed Company thread either here or ICmag got some garlic flavors from the TRSC Waziri. I bought a pack after that but never ran it.
This isn't what you're asking, but I remember someone on The Real Seed Company thread either here or ICmag got some garlic flavors from the TRSC Waziri. I bought a pack after that but never ran it.
It Was on icmag im pretty sure man it sounds good from that guys description anyway

The Black Domina I remember from back around 2008 was very garlicky / peppery. No fruit that I recall. I ordered some Black Domina seeds from Sensi to see if they still have that pheno, but some people say it’s much more fruity now.
Garlic bud is funky and a lil sweet there isnt any pepper in its flavour profile that i ever noticed nor in shiva shanti tbh most phenos of the newer domina are a lil sweeter vs the old one ime mind you s1s of the 98 cut come out very sweet and hashy too sounds like you got a more unique/less common pheno back in the day cos ive had both old and the newer release and never came across anything with a garlic note in blackdomina like you get with the Garlic bud theres quite a few strains that smell and taste garlicky a bit but the garlic bud was unique ime
Many say Sensi Star is half Garlic Bud...
AK Bean Brains has some Sensi Star in F4 I think and not sure how many males were used each time.
Crickets is reporting garlic in their Sensi Star V1 x Puck Bc.
you could probably f2 that and hunt for the most garlic ones.