Is It Finished? Opinions Please.


Well-Known Member
Hi All...I was just wondering what people's opinions are on this little lady? She has been going since mid June & seems close to done. I was planning on letting her go until October, but seems like she could be ready way before that. I know the pictures aren't the best, but my camera isn't very up to date. I welcome all comments, guesses, & questions.;-)



Well-Known Member
Looks just about there....I agree with Golden...Give a flush and let it go another week....


Well-Known Member
Thats a beautiful ganja you got there. pics kinda blurry but that looks like the best thing ive seen all day so far


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone...It was grown 12/12 from seed in a very small container. That is why it is so small. Just an experiment that went well.


Well-Known Member
She stayed small because she was grown 12/12 from seed in a very small container. I also kept the light extremely close & switched to a 10/14 schedule after a couple months. Thanx again everyone for the feedback!


Well-Known Member
dude that looks tall was it when you started flowering?and how long was the life cycle? looks great tho.


Well-Known Member
misshestermoffitt - I will be sure to let you know,kinda curious myself.
yoyogrow - I have no idea what strain it is. It came from some purple I had.
happyface - Thanx! It has been on a flowering cycle from seed. It's about 3 months old. I'll give it another couple weeks so in all about 3 & 1/2 months.