I do have a medical card and thanks for sharing the list directly from the bill. Hey, so it looks like we are allowed to smoke legally as long as we are not driving, near a school, or in a non smoking zone (which are areas with non smoking signs.) The only thing that makes us be able to only smoke indoors is if we are within 1,000 feet of a school, then it has to be done indoors. So if your not driving and your in the car being driven, on a smoking highway where tobacco smokers are allowed to smoke, medical marijuana patients are legally allowed too too! Nice! If you do get pulled over by a police officer from the state of California then there should be no problem if your are not smoking and driving and are not near a school. Only way if a Federal car pulls you over but if your a Medical user and its obvious your only have as much as a joint or a little more, then they are not after you, they are after the people growing in super mass quantities and doing under the radar without a medical card, and those in the forefront of the medical marijuana movement, who in turn get taxed heavily, which is another story. But if your a casual smoker and following the Californian laws, there are and should be no worries or problems. Horaaay!