Is it safe to buy seeds online and have them shipped to new york???


Well-Known Member
Have the seeds sent to someone that you trust not a girlfriend because relation ships end.Someone in your family if possible who does not grow and has no grow equipment in the house.Then if things go pear shaped all they have to say is that it was thrown in the bin they wondered what they was.Also i hear that you can get hold of a credit card in america buy going into a shop and giveing them say 200 bucks and then you get a card that will have 200 bucks on it.Order in this way and you will be fine.To be honest i will never understand how any govermenthas the time or money to go about busting cannais smokers[growers] when there are fucking kiddy fiddlers around terrorist shitty world we live in.I understand that the drug squad and the dea has a job to do but for gods sake consantrate on the crack dealers and heroin pushers.


Well-Known Member
Noting illegal is safe to buy online. There is a risk that you take and a reward that you reap. Good advise posted above me that I wont repeat. Just do everything you can to avoid any trail back to you.


Well-Known Member
Have the seeds sent to someone that you trust not a girlfriend because relation ships end.Someone in your family if possible who does not grow and has no grow equipment in the house.Then if things go pear shaped all they have to say is that it was thrown in the bin they wondered what they was.Also i hear that you can get hold of a credit card in america buy going into a shop and giveing them say 200 bucks and then you get a card that will have 200 bucks on it.Order in this way and you will be fine.To be honest i will never understand how any govermenthas the time or money to go about busting cannais smokers[growers] when there are fucking kiddy fiddlers around terrorist shitty world we live in.I understand that the drug squad and the dea has a job to do but for gods sake consantrate on the crack dealers and heroin pushers.
totally agreed. Do not have them sent to your own address.