Is it shemale?


Well-Known Member
It is showing female flowers. But the round ball looking structures may well be male pods. let it grow for a while longer. say like 5-7 days and you will be able to tell better.



sorry for english
what does "young hermie" mean?
i'm first time grower.
i have 8 plants.
27 days old from seed (last 4 days turn 12/12 lighting for flowering. and same time changed the lights 2*400watt mh to 2*400watt hps).
there are 5 females + 2 males and 1 unknown (on the pic).
i have kill 2 males but i don't know what i must for this plant.
should i kill it?


Well-Known Member
Hey, somebody should save those pics for future use, because they are a really good example of a hermie showing early. Excellent. :cool:

Were they grown from hermie pollinated seed, feminized seed, or none of the above? Just curious. :)


actually i don't know what kind of seed. i'm just getting some pot by dealer. and i comb out to mature seeds. that's it.


Active Member
What's up man. Hermie is short for Hermaphrodyte. Which I am not sure I spelled correctly. But it means both sexes. And get that thing away from any other girls. It's fine to grow it and watch but quarentine it. Pollinated means that it Can shoot off pollen if it goes hermie and make your other girls start producing seeds. Not good. That's why you gotta get em outta there. Pollen can travel miles outside. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
on a few of my plants i hope there not hermies i have these little bulb looking things with hairs coming out of them does that sound like a hermi they dont look like seeds or as some people say bananas


Well-Known Member
^Those are probably the single calyx's(female)that grow at the nodes. If they come to a point, where the hair comes out, they're fine. Also, some pics would be nice. :wink: