is it true that you should give your clones less Nitrogen ?

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
It does seem odd that you would deprive it of what it needs most during veg, but you will find at the same time your clones root, it will start feeding on some of it's lower fan leaves and turning light green. This is the plant being forced to use it's own nutes to create new growth til roots are established. There are SOME foliar sprays that are great for cloning. This can help the overall health of your clones while you are waiting for roots.

A humidity dome will increase success rates, incase you're not already using one

PH is a big factor. Maintaining a proper 5.3-5.5 for hydro/aero cloners is vital

Adding some beneficial bacteria, vitamin b complex, AND/OR humic acid will greatly increase your chances of rooting, and if/when they do, those 3 supplements will help create a healthy root system with effecient nutrient uptake.


Well-Known Member
Adding some beneficial bacteria, vitamin b complex, AND/OR humic acid will greatly increase your chances of rooting, and if/when they do, those 3 supplements will help create a healthy root system with effecient nutrient uptake.
Sounds like a job for SuperThrive! :)


Well-Known Member
I dipped 9 cutting in cheap rooting hormones from walmart, put the cuttings in rockwool, and all I did otherwise was to mist them and water them with tap water every other day for about a week. When I tossed them out after a week or so, they had enough roots to pot. I used clear plastic cups as a humidity dome. Also, there was perlite around the rockwool.


Well-Known Member
I used a home depot bucket with six holes cut in the top. I had to put 2 cuttings in some of the baskets, but they were starting up just fine. I really don't think anything special is needed for successful cloning even though there's a lot available. A guy did an experiment with honey, he dipped his cuttings in honey and planted them in soil and they grew. I think it's all on how much you're willing and able to spend.