is it true what they say bout led lights??

well ive heard somewhere that marijuana grown under the led light will show sex during the vegging cycle. Can anyone verify this for me? Because if it is true im just gonna leave my light at 24/0 but if it isnt true i was thinkin of goin 12/12 for a week or two just until the sex start showin then put them back to 24 again. is that alright to do? i know itll stress the plants but theyll be fine, right????
if anyone can help me that be


Active Member
It doesn't matter what light you use. If it's going to show sex before flowering depends on the plant. I've had some show and others not.


Active Member
you will find a lot of strains will show sex pre flower. I would try and avoid changing the light cycle too often especially between 24/0 & 12/12 as you could stress the plant. I would go for 18/6 as the dark period promotes growth and then in 3-4 weeks put them into flower. It is the best way to save the females


Active Member
If you keep switching the lights back and forth you could get hermies. Besides, flowering needs darkness not light.