Is LA tap water for organic outdoor grow fine?


Well-Known Member
So I have a few plants going outdoors in a greenhouse..5 gallon pots of ocean forest with perlite only..
I switched from ro water to tap water when transitioning thm outdoors..
So far have fed twice with compost tea also and once with fish shit. And eventually will use to reamend .. Also I have 2 carbon filters hooked up to my hose.

Today I watered some plants with plain tap water ..
My tap water is at 8.4 ph going in/out the faucet ..
And run off was at 7.2..

Do I need to fix this before I run into issues ?

Can i use an organic ph up or down to ph my water before ..ex.baking soda,vinegar,lemon,earthjuice ..etc.

Or do I use dolomite lime over the soil and water in?

Or both? ( do I have to use both methods of ph adjusting?)

All im planning to do is feed compost tea or reamend with every 2-3 weeks;veg or flower)
If it needs reamending I'll go ahead and do tht if not ill use a compost tea every 2-3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics ,I heard it’s normal for them to droop a bit before lights off but they’ve been drooping more severe and earlier than usual sun has been setting at 6:08 and led light comes on 6 too until 10pm, have been dropping the time weekly from 12midnight so I can hopefully be able to stop using supplemental lighting ..the days wil start to get longer soon..

anyways what’s up with the droopy leaves?
What’s can be causing it?
And other than the dropping does the foliage look healthy?
Thanks for any advice!!


a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
So I have a few plants going outdoors in a greenhouse..5 gallon pots of ocean forest with perlite only..
I switched from ro water to tap water when transitioning thm outdoors..
So far have fed twice with compost tea also and once with fish shit. And eventually will use to reamend .. Also I have 2 carbon filters hooked up to my hose.

Today I watered some plants with plain tap water ..
My tap water is at 8.4 ph going in/out the faucet ..
And run off was at 7.2..

Do I need to fix this before I run into issues ?

Can i use an organic ph up or down to ph my water before ..ex.baking soda,vinegar,lemon,earthjuice ..etc.

Or do I use dolomite lime over the soil and water in?

Or both? ( do I have to use both methods of ph adjusting?)

All im planning to do is feed compost tea or reamend with every 2-3 weeks;veg or flower)
If it needs reamending I'll go ahead and do tht if not ill use a compost tea every 2-3 weeks.
Pretty sure everything in LA is great!!!! Tacos!!!!!!! Lets start a list what is great in LA!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Drooping leaves usually means overwatered.
Sometimes you don’t realize you’re overwatering.
Do you know the humidity in your tent?
Cold roots can cause it too. You’re outside on gravel.
The color looks good can’t see any deficiencies.

You can adjust your water organically. It looks like you’ll be lowering it mostly.
You might want to add some beneficial bacteria to your soil. It will help with PH too.


Well-Known Member
Drooping leaves usually means overwatered.
Sometimes you don’t realize you’re overwatering.
Do you know the humidity in your tent?
Cold roots can cause it too. You’re outside on gravel.
The color looks good can’t see any deficiencies.

You can adjust your water organically. It looks like you’ll be lowering it mostly.
You might want to add some beneficial bacteria to your soil. It will help with PH too.
Hmm so it might be overwatering or cold roots. Mostlikely its cold roots .. I gave my space heater to my nephews cuz its gotten cold the past few days but tomorrow ill be pickin an extra digital thermostat space heater..
I dont think its overwatering I wait till I see a slight droop or if the pot is lighter also use a moisture meter ..

And for the beneficial bacteria i got
Some compost tea ingredients, fish shit and the dr earth amendments think have some in it ..

Alright so to adjust it organically ill just use baking soda ,vinegar and lime ..etc.


Well-Known Member
Careful with the adjustment on the water.
Soil buffers well, even if your runoff is a little high.
8.4 to start is definitely high. Just be gentle with it, and only if you need to.
Some good organic bennies are Recharge. You add it with your feed water. It also helps with PH.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Also I have two indoor feminized skywlkerogs.. one is looking bit lighter in color than the other , what could it be ? What's ur input on this?

I've only been feeding r.o water at 7.2



Well-Known Member
Careful with the adjustment on the water.
Soil buffers well, even if your runoff is a little high.
8.4 to start is definitely high. Just be gentle with it, and only if you need to.
Some good organic bennies are Recharge. You add it with your feed water. It also helps with PH.
Good luck.
Yeah ill go easy on the ph adjusting as much as possible, ill look into the recharge thn.. thank you


Well-Known Member
Looks normal to me.
New growth is lighter.
As far as nutes, I’m not an organic guy though I do grow in soil.
Maybe someone can help you there.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
So I have a few plants going outdoors in a greenhouse..5 gallon pots of ocean forest with perlite only..
I switched from ro water to tap water when transitioning thm outdoors..
So far have fed twice with compost tea also and once with fish shit. And eventually will use to reamend .. Also I have 2 carbon filters hooked up to my hose.

Today I watered some plants with plain tap water ..
My tap water is at 8.4 ph going in/out the faucet ..
And run off was at 7.2..

Do I need to fix this before I run into issues ?

Can i use an organic ph up or down to ph my water before ..ex.baking soda,vinegar,lemon,earthjuice ..etc.

Or do I use dolomite lime over the soil and water in?

Or both? ( do I have to use both methods of ph adjusting?)

All im planning to do is feed compost tea or reamend with every 2-3 weeks;veg or flower)
If it needs reamending I'll go ahead and do tht if not ill use a compost tea every 2-3 weeks.
Do you love TJ?


Well-Known Member
Looks normal to me.
New growth is lighter.
As far as nutes, I’m not an organic guy though I do grow in soil.
Maybe someone can help you there.
Whats up man quick question

So if I ph my water , do I still have too ph my soil( ex. Like with lime)

Thts what i don't get do I have to fix ph on both water going in and soils ph?

Or can I just ph my water every time when I water? .
Maybe it'll be less work with just ph'n the. soil


Well-Known Member
I live in North Hollywood (L.A.) and grow outdoors for years organic ( fox farm ocean forest) and never measure the ph in my tap water and/or soil.
I do winter and summer grows with (clone) plants that average 6' - 12' with never a problem when it
comes to using tap water. All my plants turn out just fine. Dank stinky and stoney as f**k. Not sure if the tap water in your city is the same as the
tap water in my city. The clones I grow start out just a few inches high and grow to 6' - 12'.