Is Male Or Female?


K I've never grown from a seed in my life. But I grew this one I had rolling around in a buddy of mines memorial box so I thought Id grow for him (RIP) But I grew er nice a big, looks like a female from my knowlage of messing with clones. So i took a cpl clones of it. an started throwing the mom in an outa the closet ever 12 hr to double check. (todays day three of 12an12)

But my ? is Can you tell if its male or female without turning it over to 12 an 12?


Well-Known Member
You can but it's usually 6+ weeks of veg before it shows. Otherwise a week or so of 12/12 will show sex.


[video=youtube;YC2AgeEUfAM][/video] This guys tells me how to tell if one but does it gota be in Flower. Can you tell wile is veging at 18-6


I had the Mom for over 6weeks I thinking 3months. No singhs so far. Ill take a some pics right now. an post em after this laptop charges