Is malee or famele ?


Well-Known Member
First of all, kudos on the nice thick leaves! Love 'em!!! Second of all, congratulations! You have a baby girl. Now treat her well and she'll reward you with goodies in a couple months :)


Thank you ! Well is auto-flower , they don't have a cycle of 2 months? One month for vegetation and one for flowering?


Well-Known Member
I have no experience with autoflowers sorry but you will know when it's done. All you need is a microscope or a 30x magnifying glass and check the trychomes. There's a lot of info on that on RIU as well :) Are you from RO ?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
6-7 weeks flowering period from what i have read. Definitely not a month. I tend to ignore the quoted flowering times and just harvest it when it is actually ready.