Is meth high simular to sativa high?


Well-Known Member
I recently smoked meth with a friend for the first time. We only did it cuz we knew no one that can get meth and the person we kicked out left a bag of meth about .8 to be exact. So we decided to smoke it. I felt very energetic and talkative. Stayed up for 2 days. The next day was horrible, i felt dizzy and drained and my friend on the other hand vomitted and sweat like crazy. Then he passed out i thought he was gonna die. But he didnt and it dramatized me into never doing it again. The next day i weighed myself and i lost 5 pounds, it was insane. I noticed the high was almost identical to sativas. I personally think sativas are likd meth but without the withdrawal crash.


Well-Known Member
you must smoke very little weed if you can compare the high to meth. meth is much much more intense than weed i could smoke a lb of any sat. and umm im not gonna start speed tripping.

do you know what meth does to your teeth tho?(chemically speaking) stick to eating it if possible like adderals.


Well-Known Member
the short answer is NO. I have never tried meth. But if it is anything like the "superman" feeling I get when im thizzin...then sativa is not even close.


Well-Known Member
I never did meth but I've done a bit of coke and its nothing like any weed and meth is a lot stronger and lasts a lot longer than coke. no way that shit is like a sativa buzz its more like teeth grinding, bugging out, jittery, peaking out the window shit. no way does any weed come close to meth


Well-Known Member
the person we kicked out left a bag of meth about .8 to be exact. So we decided to smoke it. I felt very energetic and talkative. Stayed up for 2 days. The next day was horrible, i felt dizzy and drained and my friend on the other hand vomitted and sweat like crazy. Then he passed out i thought he was gonna die. But he didnt and it dramatized me into never doing it again. The next day i weighed myself and i lost 5 pounds, it was insane.
Keep an eye on your teeth bro. They can go downhill alarmingly quick when smoking that stuff.


Well-Known Member
Not at all in my experience. Smoking a full sativa will make me feel energetic and motivated. I've only done very small doses (<25mg) of meth and it makes me NEED to do things. I enjoy a sativa high, amps are for I need to get a bunch of work done.


Well-Known Member
Low dose Molly doesn't focus me well, for getting shit done straight amp/methamp is the way. Low dose Molly just puts a nice spring in my step and a smile on my face. And spend money even more impulsively than normal :(


Well-Known Member
Yeah...I wouldn't do it again if I were weed has ever made me lose 5 lbs, or stay up for days, or go all crazy pants and start plotting to murder a random person out of the phonebook..


Active Member
Meth just makes you energetic, confident, and happy - it's really very similar to Adderall, except it's "cleaner" with less physical side effects. No similarity to a sativa. It has much more in common with a can of Monster.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah..meth is clean all
Clean like a meth heads asshole...
If you have ever met anyone addicted to meth then you know how very filthy they stay...
It is perhaps the least "clean" drug I have ever heard of...I mean think about what is in it...
It has enough chemicals to rot out teeth, and brains alike...


Well-Known Member
Meth. What's the cut before you go firing it. Every mother steps on it when they middleman it. What's the cut? Glad I survived those stupid days, enjoyable as they were. My advice: stick to organics.