is mold still an issue in a grow tent?


New Member
we have a grow tent and i have heard the highest humidity possible for 1 day old seedlings is best. i have also hear tho that when the humidity is high you have to worry about mold. we have 70% black gold organic 20% coco and 10% perlite. in a grow tent our seedlings just sprouted 24 hours ago we have been trying to keep the temp between 75-85 F and the humidity between 60-80% should we worry about mold in a grow tent? and is that humidity good or should we try to keep it as high as possible


Active Member
Mold can be an issue anywhere if you do not have good airflow-- YES- get the humidity up, but thats easier if you just "dome" the sedlings with the top 1/2 of a soda bottle (cap off) and remove it for a few minutes 2x a day .... then you do not have to worry about it...
as soon as they have their 2nd set of true leaves- leave off the dome and just mist them a couple times a day-- make sure there is good light and VERY good airflow in the tent so they do not get 'leggy' or get fungus/mold.
