Is my baby doing alright?

She is 4 weeks and 5 days old and she maintains a 18/6 light cycle, and gets watered in her morning time every 2 days, her stem is really strong due to a fan cycling in and out and she is a bout 9 1/2 inches tall. She is a little stretched but she is strong. Im new to this I need all the insight and help i can get!IMG_2259[1].jpgIMG_2258[1].jpg
Fail....not trying to be an asshole, but you need basic, absorb, take action......not enough light, no topping/training, etc etc.....I hate to see people just stick a seed in some dirt and wonder why it doesn't look right, there is a plethora of information on the entire topic........sheesh....
More light. Lots more light. Buy a 24" T5 with 2 tubes to start. Please.

Do not buy a little 300 watt "halide" or "halogen" shop light. They get hot as hell and the spectrum is worthless.

Go read everything about lights and ventilation.
I agree with hotrod, she's too stretched, get a T5 lamp and keep it as low as possible, meantime lower your lights.
You can find good inexpesive lighting at hydroponic stores on line, unless you have one in your area. I don't trust home depot or lowes or walmart, they don't carry proper lighting for plants, maybe house plants but not mj.
i would cut a coat hanger in half and use the hook side to make a stake and bend that scronney thing all the way over till the top almost touches the soil. drop the light u have right on top of it and at least grow some branches on her. as the top starts growing up to get to the light, keep stakeing it down at almost ground level. by doing that u will have an even canopy and even light distrabution. that plant is so scronney and lanky (not to be a dick) that this would be ur best bet to make it a somewhat of a "sucess" at a harvest...just my opinion tho...good luck