is my blueberry ready?


Well-Known Member
need some help from yall is she ready?
everthing looks good but most of my pistils are still white, cant tell bout the tri chomes cuz the leaves are turning gold too so it blends in....

i also cut the fan leaves cuz they already were dead.


Active Member
Beautiful plant there brotha....very nice job...I'd wait till those hairs strart turning red on ya..2 weeks max.......


Well-Known Member
How long did you let them flower for? just curious because im growing blueberry too, im at day 10 of flowering


Well-Known Member
aye wuss good yall thanks for da advice, those pics were from 2 weeks ago so i harvested them yesterday and man they are looking good. they have a purple blueish tint to the buds. im from in the pnw area too, as for this is my 2nd bb grow and i loved the taste from my last batch it was sweet like blue berry cobbler. i dunno kno how long i flowered those for maybe like 8 weeks i think. ill have pics of the final product once i get home from work. i have a hash plant also finishing up too wich ill post much later haha but cha yall stay safe out there.


Well-Known Member
heres the pics of it drying and curing



Well-Known Member
prob. lil more than an 0z i didnt vegg that long....
next time ill veg for like a month but i still got my hash plant going rite now


Well-Known Member
I'd say she would be done, depends what type of high your looking for,
I always wait for my trichs to amber up.