is my plant nutrient burnt?


Well-Known Member
You should post some information about your setup and what you've been doing so far, if you want to get some help :peace:


New Member
You should post some information about your setup and what you've been doing so far, if you want to get some help :peace:
Sure :D
temp 23-25c
humin around 50 %
substrate - coco
organic nutrient and worm casting in soil mix
mars hydro 2x2 tent with ts1000 ligth hanging 45-50 cm from canopy
watering around 0.5 liter per 24 hour
ph around 6


Active Member
I’m not a pro or even close so take with a grain of salt but given the overall leaf color and pot size, I’m leaning towards possibly overwatered and/or underfed. That’s just my guess though. Happy Growing!